In November 2020, the European Commission adopted an Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion for the programming 2021-2027, promoting inclusion through a whole of society approach involving migrants and local communities, civil society, and public authorities.
Furthermore, in line with the Council of Europe Action Plan on Protecting Vulnerable Persons in the Context of Migration and Asylum in Europe (2021-2025), and the recent report on Migration and Asylum from the European Commission COM(2022) 740, the 3STEPS project addressed young migrants and refugees to improve their education as well as trainers and mentors as key target groups to foster their intercultural competences and professional skills.
In particular, young people with a refugee or migrant background often face difficulties in adjusting to a new learning environment. Fostering education and inclusion of disadvantaged migrants and refugees is thus crucial for European integration, supporting this target group to cope with the main obstacles and challenges they face: lack of support, fewer opportunities to develop skills and competences to enter the labour market, and language barriers.
In this framework, the 3STEPS project upscaled two successful methodologies previously implemented:
- Basic Education Classes, to enhance their literacy, numeracy, and digital skills of young migrants.
- Tandem Now, as a strategy for vulnerable groups to foster their educational and vocational development, selected in 2017 by the European Commission as “inspiring resource” to tackle early school leaving.
Based on the findings and implementation of the 3STEPS methodology in Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey and France, the project developed evidenced-based policy recommendations focusing on:
- The analysis of the local context as a preliminary phase;
- Inclusive education as priority of the vocational and education systems;
- The relevance of a solid cooperation among different stakeholders;
- The importance of an effective communication of public actions related to the discussed topics.
Read all recommendations here and advocate for their application!
3STEPs project has come to an end but we will continue working towards inclusive education and support to young migrants and refugees!
About the project
3STEPS – Fostering Education and Inclusion of disadvantages refugee and migrant learners is cofinanced by EACEA, Erasmus+ Programme KA3: Support for Policy Reform.
- Asociacion Caminos (Spain, coordinator)
- CESIE (Italy)
- ALDA (France)
- Symplexis (Greece)
- Mozaik (Turkey)
For further information
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Contact Ruta Grigaliunaite: