In the Paris Declaration of 2015, European Ministers of Education have re-announced their commitment for an inclusive education: migrants and refugees shall be helped to ensure their full participation in society, good education and transition to the labour market.
A high percentage of migrants and refugees belong to the most disadvantaged groups within the educational systems of the European Union, since childhood they often don’t have the same chances of personal development due to language barriers, lack of support and and less opportunities to access classes.
The 3STEPS project intends to increase the chances of low skilled young migrants and refugees (15-25 years old) to remain within the educational and vocational system of their host country, by providing them with basic skills on literacy, numeracy, language and digitalization.
Regional pools of mentors who act as “role model” will provide migrants and refugees of the same ethnic communities with confidence, resources and skills as a stable grounding for further personal achievements.
Moreover 3STEPS aims to provide schools and training institutions with innovative methodologies for qualitative and inclusive education through a ‘blended training/mentoring approach’.
The 3STEPS project just started: if you are a teacher, youth worker or a stakeholder in the field of education in Italy, take this online questionnaire to gather information on the programmes and problems with regard to the education and social integration of young migrants and refugees in the country.
A proposito di 3STEPS
3STEPS – Promuovere l’educazione e l’inclusione di studenti immigrati e richiedenti asilo è un progetto cofinanziato da EACEA – Agenzia esecutiva per l’istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura – Programma Erasmus+, Azione chiave 3: Sostegno alle riforme delle politiche.
- Asociacion Caminos (Spagna, coordinatore)
- CESIE (Italia)
- ALDA (Francia)
- Symplexis (Grecia)
- Mozaik (Turchia)
Per ulteriori informazioni
Leggi la scheda progetto, visita il sito web e seguici su Facebook.
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