On June 23, 2022, the final meeting of the ECHO-Tourism project was held in Coutances, France, aimed at producing training resources for tourism professionals.
Preventing and rethinking the environmental impact of tourism with ECHO-Tourism
How to prevent and rethink the environmental impact of tourism activities? Learn more about the first multiplier event of the ECHO-Tourism project held in Croatia.
ECHO-Tourism is ready for experimentation!
The second international training of ECHO-Tourism project took place from 7th to 9th April, 2021 and involved tourism professionals.
Promuoviamo l’armonia con la natura, l’economia sostenibile e la biodiversità
Oggi celebriamo la 50esima Giornata Mondiale della Terra per ricordarci che il rispetto del nostro pianeta parta da ognuno di noi, prima che dai singoli Governi.