Porta d’Europa: opportunità di mobilità

Friday 21 May 2010

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CESIE offers the following opportunities:

1) The seminar Violence towards Women will take place from the 28th June to the 3rd July in Tourlaville – France. The participants will have the chance to face this issue in an intercultural context. They will be involved in the different activities and presentations phases, in order to enrich the project and be active part of the project implementation.

2) Training course “Get Ready” from the 26th June to the 2nd July in Germany. This training gives the opportunity to know the Youth in Action Programme and its opportunity in an intercultural context. This will enrich the participants from a personal and professional point of view.

3) CESIE offers the opportunity to participate in a training course Action 4.3 “Natural Balance” from the 7th to 14th June in Ankara- Turkey. The aim of the project is to include disabled people to the social life and community with outdoor activities. While doing this, the participants will learn together about outdoor activities with disabled people.

For further info please contact scambiculturali@cesie.org

Palermo as a person. Exhibition of Marija Biljan

Palermo as a person. Exhibition of Marija Biljan

“Palermo come persona” è una mostra di storie illustrate di Palermo. Per sette mesi, abbiamo chiesto ad abitanti stabili e temporanei di immaginare come sarebbe stata Palermo, se fosse una persona: avrebbe un sesso definito, che aspetto avrebbe, quale sarebbe la sua personalità…?

Training opportunities for young migrants

Training opportunities for young migrants

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