Call application for a youth project in Romania

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Home » In Action » Mobility » Call application for a youth project in Romania

rural areasThe association Euro House Bustuchin of Romania is looking for a young volunteer for the European Voluntary Service project, of any kind of social and religious background.

The project is called “Experiencing Active Citizenship in Rural Areas” and it involves 10 volunteers coming from 5 European countries. The project consists of a period of 9 months and it takes place in the rural area of Gorj, in Bustuchin. The volunteers will be hosted by a family of the rural area.

Some of the main activities may consist in: planting trees, cleaning agricultural areas, attending local tradition displays like dances, culinary events, shows, outdoor or artistic activities like painting, crafts, and meetings to discuss rights, democracy and European institutions.

Living in a rural area could be a challenge for the volunteers.

The departure is scheduled around the beginning of March.

The application must be sent via email with a CV and a cover letter written in English, within February 28 to:

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