The SOLE project

Tuesday 9 October 2012

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SoleThe SOLE project: for a new ray in active citizenship!

The SOLE project (SOcial networks for Local Empowerment, action 1.2.2 of the Europe for Citizens programme) was imagined to contribute to the construction of an active and living European citizenship. Although a number of opportunities are aimed at citizens or organisations sense of initiative, most of them are being kept away from these, by lack of information or tools. Our goal is to allow all kinds of organisations to take part to the development of an active citizenship on a European scale. For this purpose, SOLE is spreading knowledge and tools about European transnational cooperation, especially within the frame of the Europe for Citizens Programme (

One of the priorities of the project is to allow local entities with few or without experience in this field to gain knowledge and tools about it. Since we believe that a lot of smart ideas and initiative only miss a little support to achieve great things, we don’t want anyone to be stepped aside from the move!

Spread the word!

SOLE project tends to spread and disseminate information about the transnational programmes related to citizenship, and especially the Europe for Citizens Programme. Participants of 11 organisations have gained knowledge about it and also tools to conceive, manage and develop such kind of projects during an international training held in July 2012 in Palermo, Italy.

Therefore, the idea is that more organisations become leading organisations and be enabled, reliable and confident applicants for EU funding. We believe that many local organisations have the potential to apply for projects, and that they only need support at capacity-building level.

Produce cascade effects so that SOLE will reach other unidentified partners

A very important component of the project SOLE is the cascade effect we wish to launch among the different partners. As a matter of fact, the aim is that the 11 partners create a local network in their respective countries. Each of those networks will, in turn, be able to reach new partner and share knowledge and tools.

Create a real and effective support network

The existence of transnational project is directly linked to the existence of trustworthy partnerships across the countries. For new organisations it is necessary to lean on an existing network of partner organisations, while experienced entities need to count on new partners to ensure innovation and transferability of practices from local to international level and vice versa. That is why a wide and effective partners network can bring a lot to transnational cooperation projects. Sometimes organisations have the ideas but not the knowledge and tools, and sometimes it is the opposite. The SOLE network, through sharing and cooperation, intends to be a response to that situation.


Local Information Events

In order to ensure the effective dissemination of the Europe for Citizens programme, partners are organising a series of local information events in which they will provide an overview of the funding opportunities within the programme and practical tips on how to apply. Follow us to join one of the events in Italy, Romania, UK, Latvia, Slovakia, France, Denmark, Slovenia, Germany and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia!

If you’re interested in the Europe for Citizens programme and you want to join the SOLE network write to Angela Martinez: or visit and

We wait for you to join us!


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