The online game “The Big Brain” receives the ComeniusEduMedia Award for multimedia innovation

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Home » In Action » European Cooperation » The online game “The Big Brain” receives the ComeniusEduMedia Award for multimedia innovation

The Comenius EduMedia seal and medals for ICT based media education have been awarded for the 17th time in a ceremony on Friday, 22nd June 2012 in Berlin.

The online game “The Big Brain” was developed in the scope of the European project „Virtual Stages Against Violence“. It has received a Comenius EduMedia Seal in the category „Online Games with competence fostering potential”.

The Comenius-EduMedia Award has been awarded every year since 1995  by the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V., Berlin, Deutschland (Association for Pedagogy and Information e.V., Berlin, Germany) to publishing houses, authors and educational institutions in Europe and worldwide. The Association for Pedagogy and Information e.V. awards are the most important German and European awards for exemplarily ICT based education media.

We are very pleased about this award and would like to thank all the project partners for the excellent collaboration. One great thank goes to the Austrian online game developer Webducation (, that has developed the online game together with the project team

(see below) within the European project “Virtual Stages Against Violence”. Webeducation received the very well deserved Seal.

You can find more information on the Comenius EduMedia Awards under For more information on the European project „Virtual Stages Against Violence“ please have a look at

With financial support from the DAPHNE III Programme of the European Union (2007 – 2013)

Project: “Virtual Stages against Violence” (VSAV) Grant Agreement – JLS/2009/DAP3/AG/1164-30-CE-0390577/00-46

Project Coordination and Project Management VSAV: Virginia Careri, CESIE, Palermo, Italy


Technical Leader and Project Manager for Austria : Bozica Ilijic, die Berater GmbH, Vienna, Austria


© 2011 by Webducation GmbH, Vienna, Austria

Project Leader and Concept “Creation of the online Role-Playing Game (RPG)”:

Johannes Schneider, Webducation GmbH, Vienna, Austria

Programming and Design Team:

Lukas Springsholz, Matthias Löschenkohl, Maria Schmelzer-Ziringer, Ivo Monnerjahn, Natasa Vizin, Webducation GmbH, Vienna, Austria

Graphics: iStockphoto, Fotolia, Webducation GmbH, Vienna, Austria

Music: Klangarchiv, Webducation GmbH, Vienna, Austria


CESIE – European Centre of Studies and Initiatives, Palermo, Italy (Virginia Careri)

University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy (Gianna Ciapello, Fabio Lo Verde)

die Berater GmbH, Vienna, Austria (Bozica Ilijic)

The Thuringian Association of adult education centres, Jena, Germany (Margit Kreikenbom)

Salvati Copiii (Save the Children), Bukarest, Romania (Irina Nicolai, Georgiana Rosculet)

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