The Inclusion Puzzle – Youth Exchange

Thursday 23 August 2012

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The Inclusion Puzzle is a youth exchange which will take place in Sferracavallo (Palermo) from 4th- 16th September 2012.

It will involve 54 young people from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Italy.

It will be a chance where young people from all over Europe will be encouraged to raise their opinions about relevant issues like discrimination, multiple discrimination and to share their vision about a more inclusive Europe.

Indeed, one of the main aims of the project is to foster participants’ sense of identity, as individuals, and as European citizens through intercultural learning processes.

The activities will be based on two basics: creativity and active participation from the whole group, through non-formal learning approach.

The program includes group works, role plays, simulations, cultural visits and creative & artistic workshops: the participants will create a short film about multiple discrimination and an artistic exhibition of giant ‘puzzles’ representing the problems of discrimination in Europe and their vision of an inclusive future for all citizens.

The Inclusion Puzzle exhibition representing the results of the creative workshops will be presented among the local community, in Sferracavallo, at the end of the activities.

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