In Palermo to learn about autonomy and accountability in HE

Friday 28 November 2014

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Govern-PalermoThe GOVERN ( Capacity Building for the three levels of university management has been completed. The training of (1) top-administration, (2) deans and chairs, (3) office of academic affairs and registrar has been conducted in WUS-Austria, KHLeuven and CESIE respectively, with the following topics: how to establish and run a state-of-the-arts university management system, to run structural and regulatory changes to promote effectiveness, approaches to day-to-day practical management and the like.

The third and last training, hold from 13th to 15th November, organized by CESIE and kindly hosted by the ‘University of Palermo, Department of Law, Society and Sports’ had the pleasure to welcome the representatives of 10 Armenian Higher Education Institutions, as well as the ANQA (National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance), the Public Academy of Administration and the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia.

The training has been starting with an overview of the Italian governance snapshot, thanks to the presentations of Prof. Gianna Cappello e Prof. Fabio Lo Verde ‘University of Palermo: Italian case study of University Management and Strategy system’, and Prof. Roberto Pirrone introducing ‘Digital aspect of the University management system and strategy’.

Main topics related to: Student-centred approach, Allocation of ECTS – Example of good practice, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in Quality Assurance and, Armenian case studies of first progress in fostering autonomy and accountability Development of State-of-the-Art HE Management System for efficient changes in line with Bologna principles.

Tackling Higher Education in Palermo, it was a pleasure to welcome Serena Giusto to introduce the higher education CERISDI Centre – whose mission is to stimulate the development and innovation of the Sicilian territory through training and counseling to both the public and the private sector and through the promotion of 1) shared models of organizational development / management 2 ) a real synergy between the business world, academic, Public Authorities in a broad sense.

For further information please contact Luisa Ardizzone,

eu_flag_tempusThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

SCIREARLY Toolkit: successful practices for reducing school dropout and underachievement

SCIREARLY Toolkit: successful practices for reducing school dropout and underachievement

The SCIREARLY project has identified effective practices to combat school dropout and improve inclusive learning, based on studies in 9 European countries. The developed Toolkit offers strategies on teaching methods, school-family-community collaboration, and student well-being, promoting fair and participatory learning environments. The adoption of these strategies has shown concrete benefits, including improved academic performance and greater engagement of students and families.