GOVERN – Strategic and Financial Management for Armenian Higher Education Institutions

Monday 6 July 2015

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GOVERN - Workshop on Strategic and Financial Management for Armenian Higher Education InstitutionsAs part of the “GOVERN” project efforts on development of state of art management system, CESIE is leading the activities on strategical, financial and human resource management within one of the work packages.

“GOVERN – Fostering Autonomy And Accountability: Development Of State-Of-The-Art He Management System For Efficient Changes In Line With Bologna Principles” is a three-year national project, under the priority of Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call and Structural Measures action. The wider objective is to enable application of the state-of-the-art management system at Armenian HEIs for promoting effective and efficient structural changes in line with Bologna agenda thus enhancing HEIs autonomy and accountability.

CESIE is a leader of the Work Package(WP) 3 Development of state-of-the-art management system. The activities within this part of the project include:

  • 2 workshops in Armenia for all partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Study visits of Armenian HEIs to EU partner HEIs
  • Inter-project coaching
  • Development of institutional plans for changes, such as revision of structure, HR and financial management within the Armenian HEIs

As a start of all the activities, two workshops took place in Yerevan, Armenia:

  • on 12th – 14th of May, 2015 – 1st Workshop on Strategic and Structural Management for Armenian (HEI), hosted by Yerevan State Medical University, (YSMU)
  • on 9th – 11th June 2015 – 2nd Workshop on Human Resource and Financial Management, hosted by American University of Armenia, (AUA)

More than 70 participants from 11 HEIs participated in 1st workshop, during which invited speakers from Austria, Belgium and the United Kingdom HEIs presented their experience regarding Strategic and Structural management of Universities, Academic Leadership, Student Centered Learning.

During the 2nd Workshop more than 50 participants has participated with guest speakers from Bath University, WUS Austria, CESIE, American University of Armenia and Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov shared their experience regarding Financial and Human Resources Management.

During these events the HEIs are represented by a working group that will revise the existing structures of institutions, developing functions for each administrative unit, job responsibilities, revising administrative, subordination and collaboration structures to meet the major strategic directions, the mission and the vision of the HEIs.

Next steps foresee a study tour if July of representatives from Armenian HEIs to EU HEIs (Leuven, Bath Spa and Koblenz Universities) will provide for a first-hand exposure and deeper understanding of the role and functions of different administrative units intended to promote the strategies of HEIs.

For further information please contact:

Visit the project website:

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[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#336DB3″ color=”#ffffff” wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#fff”]Govern – Fact Sheet[/su_button]


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