GOVERN is fostering institutional changes in Armenian Higher Education System

Monday 27 March 2017

Home » Higher Education and Research » GOVERN is fostering institutional changes in Armenian Higher Education System

On 5-8th of March 2017 external evaluation visit was organized to Armenian Higher Education Institutions in the frame of the I Tempus IV “GOVERN – Fostering Autonomy And Accountability: Development Of State-Of-The-Art Management System For Efficient Changes In Line With Bologna Principles” project. The project aims to support changes in university autonomy and accountability, creating tools for modern management and qualitative changes with the principles of the Bologna process, expanding university modernization, autonomy and responsibility.

The visit aimed to assess the effectiveness of made changes in Higher Education Institutions in university management and program results during the lifespan of the project.

The expert group included national (including student expert) international experts. The revision process was coordinated by the German center for Accreditation of Systems and Institutions, CESIE and Armenian National center for professional education quality assurance specialists. During five working days the expert group met top management, academic and administration staff, students of the Yerevan State Medical University, Vanadzor State University and Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences.

The reforms in human resources and financial management systems, university long term strategy using KPIs, quality assurance, application of Student-centred learning approach, development of academic programmes according to Bologna process and other questions were discussed. After the visit each institution will receive expert evaluation report with underlined findings and recommendation for future support of the ongoing changes.

Even if at this moment the reports are under development, it is noticeable, that despite all national changes in higher education sector, HEIs are very motivated to become independent and proactive institutions on local and European level.

Several important changes were made thanks to GOVERN:

  • institutions have started to use key performance indicator in their long term strategy plans,
  • financial planning and accountability become more structured and visible to all institutional departments,
  • human resource and management strategies are applied increasing professional capacity development to all categories of staff,
  • data collection and analysis registrar is bought and will help to systemize, evaluate and plan institutional academic and administrative activities.

Final evaluation of the project impact in Armenia will be measured at the end of the GOVERN project, in June 2017.

For further information please contact Jelena Mazaj,

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SCIREARLY Toolkit: successful practices for reducing school dropout and underachievement

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