The MAHATMA „Master in Higher Education Management Developing Leaders For Managing Educational Transformation“ consortium partners were invited to the project coordination meeting which was organized and held at ASPU, Armenia on 09th– 10th of December 2013.
The aim of the coordination meeting was to sum up the activities performed during the first year. First, the European partners (BSU and CESIE) presented the training results of the accomplished activities and highlighted the major points to be outlined in the annual report. Next, Armenian and Georgian higher education institutions briefly presented the current state of affairs at each institution and the activities conducted for the delivery of the MA programmes.
Along with the coordination meeting a workshop on student mobility was also delivered by the Middlesex University representatives. The workshop attached importance to the development of student mobility policies at Armenian and Georgian partner institutions. Partners had 3 different sessions and separately addressed to the issues of student exchange between PCIs, PCI and EU, as well as discussed the internship possibilities of the students.
For further information please contact Luisa Ardizzone,
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.