Training course “Minorities, opportunities and challenges”

Monday 16 May 2011

Home » Get involved » Training course “Minorities, opportunities and challenges”

DiversityStip is a small town located in the eastern part of Macedonia, called “Minorities, opportunities and challenges- from Awareness to Action”.

From Skopje to Stip travel last around 1 hour and 45 minutes. Starting date ARRIVE on 20th May and to leave on 27th May.

The training course will provide platform for development of key competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) over the topic of minority inclusion.

The participants will also have an opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge with particular interest put into experiences of South East European countries and Programme countries. Mixture of participants from Programme and Neighbouring countries will further enhance the concept of active participation of minorities and common European identity. The particular attention will be paid to active participation of minorities both on international and local levels.

The methodology will include communication based methods (interaction, dialogue, open discussions), activity based methods (sharing experience, practice and experimentation), socially focused methods (partnerships, teamwork, networking) and self directing methods (creativity, discovery, responsibility, action).

The overall character will be participative, pro active and interactive with a learner – centred educational approach, as recommended by Council of Europe for non formal education in youth work.

The training course covers food and accomodation. The travel costs will be reimboursed up to 70%. The 30 % of the travel costs will be up to the participant. He or she will also pay 40 euro participation fee to CESIE.

To candidate write a motivational letter to



Workshop internazionale GUIDE su l’accompagnamento di minori stranierɜ non accompagnatɜ con disabilità e/o vulnerabili 

Workshop internazionale GUIDE su l’accompagnamento di minori stranierɜ non accompagnatɜ con disabilità e/o vulnerabili 

Sei impegnatǝ nella tutela delle persone di minore età non accompagnate? Vorresti migliorare le tue conoscenze e competenze nel settore e far parte di una rete nazionale e internazionale di espertɜ? Stiamo cercando te, professionista della migrazione e della tutela di persone di minore età straniere non accompagnate. Partecipa al workshop gratuito internazionale GUIDE. Candidati entro giovedì 22 agosto 2024.