Would you like to become a community interpreter to support third-country nationals in their inclusion process in the local area? PLOUTOS‘ online training, starting in October 2023, is the one for you!
The training is aimed at everybody who is interested in becoming a Community Interpreter supporting third country nationals in their inclusion process in the local communities and facilitating their journey to autonomy or is already covering such a role and want so deepen their knowledge on intercultural mediation and translation. It will be implemented as an online course in English language starting from October 2023 facilitated by Foteini Apostolou an expert from the School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, leading institution in the Inter-Departmental MA programme in Interpreting and Translation. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion.
Requirements for enrolling in the course
You will be a suitable candidate if you meet the following requirements:
- B2 level of English;
- B2 Level of Italian;
- Prior small experience in interpreting for the community (e.g., in reception centres, supporting migrants in the translation of bureaucratic procedures, at events etc.);
- Basic digital skills to participate in online meetings;
- Good communication skills;
- Interest/ motivation to become intercultural mediators.
If you are interested in participating in the training, apply by September 1, 2023 by filling out the following online form or contact paula.goltzsche@cesie.org with any questions.
The participant number is limited to 5 people, which is why candidatures will be evaluated based on the requirements.
Exact times for each date will be defined and communicated as soon as possible.
The training calendar
Week | Date | Subject |
1 | October 2 | Introduction to the course |
2 | October 9 | Introduction to Community Interpreting (CI) |
3 | October 16 | Intercultural Communication Louisa Desilla |
4 | October 23 | Preparation and Terminology |
5 | October 30 | CI ethics Mette Rutvin |
6 | November 6 | Listening and memory skills |
7 | November 13 | An Introduction to note-taking |
8 | November 20 | Sight translation and summarizing |
9 | November 27 | CI for a job |
10 | December 4 | CI in banks |
11 | December 11 | CI in NGOs: consultation and planning for setting up a business |
12 | December 18 | Prospects for further education/training in CI |
13 | January 8 | Revision, Feedback and Self-assessment |
About the project
PLOUTOS – cooPeration for achieving third country nationaLs’ financial independence thrOUgh financial liTeracy tOols and entrepreunerShip bootcamps is a project financed by the European Union under the program AMIF (DG Home Affairs – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund).
- Halmstad University (Sweden, coordinator)
- Innovation Hive (Greece)
- Aristotle University (Greece)
- SquareDev (Greece)
- Future Needs (Cyprus)
- European Microfinance Network (Belgium)
- Sofia Development Association (Bulgaria)
- Centre for peace, nonviolence and Human Rights (Croatia)
- Breza (Croatia)
- ABI Lab (Italy)
- CESIE (Italy)
For further information
Read more about PLOUTOS, visit the website of the project and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
Contact Paula Luise Goltzsche: paula.goltzsche@cesie.org.