The youth club BLAUPAUSE’s activities are based on non-formal education for children and youth to stimulate their talents and abilities as well as fostering participation and inclusion.
For these activities, BLAUPAUSE, that is in Neuenhagen, has several rooms at its disposal: a music room, an art room, a local gym for sports activities.
Volunteers will be involved in all activities, administrative duties and will be offered the opportunity to come up with own activities to interact with the youth. The will assist in the open youth work by playing with youth, organizing activities such as sports games, crafting activities and similar activities.
The following learning experiences are possible: team work, taking on responsibility, working with socially disadvantaged youths, working with young people with disabilities, pedagogical skills, experiences in event management and project management.
The volunteer will live in the boarding house on the campus of Internationaler Bund Brandenburg Nordost. The boarding house will be shared with approximately 10 apprentices of IB and 12 unaccompanied young refugees and he/ she will have a single room in the boarding house with shared bathrooms.
CESIE is looking for 1 volunteer from 18 to 30 years that will have basic knowledge of English or German and he/she will be available from the 1st of September for 12 months .The volunteer will receive a pocket money of 110€ per month and the travel costs are reimbursed up to 275 euro.
If you are interested, please send CV an motivational letter in English to by the 8 of June 2016.