HCT: newsletter issue 5

Friday 11 November 2011

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The Handmade Creative Thinking project has finished on 31st of October with the publication of the last newsletter.

We remind that the Do-It-Yourself Manual for Developing Creative Thinking can be download from the web site. Printing copies are available under request to Angela Martinez: angela.martinez@cesie.org

Download the newsletter

The success of HyPro4ST’s Italian Training of Trainers!

The success of HyPro4ST’s Italian Training of Trainers!

HyPro4ST revolutionizes the tourism sector by training sustainable and hybrid project managers who can combine theory, practice and resilience. Following the success of the Training of Trainers, the professionals involved will lead the change, ahead of the launch of the free online course in December 2024. A unique opportunity to transform tourism in an innovative and sustainable way!