The kick-off meeting of the project Supporting Vocational Teachers And Trainers In E-Learning was held in Krakow (Poland) on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th 2012. It is a two year-project, funded by Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Action.
Training organizations from eight countries (Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain, Italy and Norway) are working together towards the general aims of the project that include:
- adapt an e-learning course for educators in Poland to VET teachers and trainers learning needs and requirements in partner countries;
- support trainers and teachers from VET sector in implementation of dynamic, open and innovative methods by adapting and transferring validated e-learning course for vocational schools and training sector.
The projects’ outcomes will be numerous: an EN version of open e-learning course and facilitator’s manual adapted from the Polish context and translated into EN; a freely available national version of the adapted e-learning course and facilitator’s manual in partners languages; a report on VET teachers and trainers requirements and needs towards e-learning, a workshop scenario and 2-3 workshops in each country delivered to the VET sector.
To receive further information on “(e)Vet2Edu” project, please contact
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.