The University of Nicosia organizes an International Seminar on the reciprocal maieutic approach within the framework of The University of the EDDILI project, co-funded by the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme under the action Grundtvig Multilateral projects.
International Seminar open to public
15.00 Welcome
Presentation of the LLP Grundtvig programme and the EDDILI project, by P. Angelides, UNIC
15.30 Introduction to Danilo Dolci and RMA”, by A. Dolci, CSC
15.45 Presentation of the RMA manual and other final products, by F. Amico, CSC
16.00 Innovative aspects of RMA in adult education, G. Cappello and F. Lo Verde, UniPa
16.20 The prospects of RMA in adult intercultural education, by C. Hadjisoteriou, UNIC
16.40 Conclusions, by A. Dolci, CSC
17.00 Informal drinks, looking back on the seminar, networking