Youth Workers+: Innovative Online training course for the youth workers of tomorrow

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Home » Youth » Youth Workers+: Innovative Online training course for the youth workers of tomorrow

How to train the future youth workers?

How to develop job skills and competences in the field of mobility and Erasmus+ projects?

The Online training course for E+ Youth Workers project aims to address the needs of the European organizations to train and to involve young people in the European job context of Erasmus + mobility projects and all careers connected.

The project aims to develop the following objectives:

  • To achieve relevant and high-quality skills and competences for youth workers through innovative approaches connecting them with the labour market;
  • To develop online training courses for different targets: project managers in E+ projects, EVS mentors, EVS facilitators, youth exchange’s leaders.

The first project meeting took place at CESIE’s office in Palermo on November 16th and 17th 2017, involving five different project’s partners. During the 2 days meeting, all partners shared their experiences, expectations and agreed on the next project’s steps.

During the next 24 months, the project consortium will develop four online courses focus on improving skills and competences of young people interesting in youth work field, in particular in Erasmus + project and the European Voluntary Service (EVS).

Several young people will be active involve in the piloting session of the project’s platform that will be launch at the beginning of 2019 and will include online courses on different level including games, video, mind-maps and other useful tools.

The YW+ courses will be focus on:

  • Training of project managers in E+ projects;
  • Training of leaders of youth exchanges;
  • Training of mentors of EVS;
  • Training of facilitators of EVS.

Youth Workers + is a co – founded by the European Commission thanks to Erasmus + programme, Strategic Partnership in the field of youth.

The partnership is composed of 5 organizations:

For further information, please contact Silvia Fazio,

Erasmus+ logoThis material has been created with the financial support of the European Commission. The contents of this material represents the exclusive responsibility of its authors and the National Agency or the European Commission are not responsible for the way that the contents of this information will be used.
Project n. (2017-2-RO01-KA205-037767) 

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