How can we promote young people participation in democratic life and reform of youth policy? There is a need of a better understanding of the participation dynamics among young people and local communities and how they are changing over the last years. It is important to share successful experience to replicate in different contexts. Moreover, what are the implications of using online tools and mixing online and offline activities in a participatory process?
These were the main topics discussed by all the speakers attending the launch event of the YouthMetre e-tool “YouthMetre. An innovative tool for e-participation of youth in policy making across Europe” held the 14th of February at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
It was also the perfect introduction to the YouthMetre Training of Multipliers. 15 youngsters previously involved in study groups and coming from different European countries met in Brussels for a two-day training dedicated to the YouthMetre e-tool and a series of topics linked to it.
The training of Multipliers was developed in order to share with the participants tools and methods that they can use to help other young people in expressing their needs, engage with decision makers and influence youth policy, in particular through the use of the YouthMetre e-tool. The aim of the Training of Multipliers was to test this new methodology and improve it in order to make it more suitable for use at the local level and with an audience of young people.
The training course – that soon will be available in an online version – is structured in 5 sessions and included a mix of methods: non—formal activities, theoretical inputs, group activities, computer based activities. The five main learning objectives were:
- To learn how to activate young people and start imagine the change;
- To know more about the EU Youth Policy and how young people influence by and can influence it;
- To find inspiration from selected Good Practices and design a project idea;
- To learn what is advocacy and how to communicate an idea/project;
- To learn how to use information and the YouthMetre e-tool to design a policy campaign.
The training was the occasion to meet motivated young people active in their own context and interested in spreading the YouthMetre. In the next months, YouthMetre partners will support them in organising local activities based on the use of the YouthMetre e-tool and the training material developed and shared. The Multipliers will work with other groups of young people and will engage with policy makers bringing their ideas to their attention.
YouthMetre – a tool for forward looking youth participation is a project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme, Kay action 3 – Support for Policy Reform. For further information on YouthMetre, please contact:
Visit YouthMetre website and follow us on Facebook e Twitter.