SENSE: working on the creation of new social enterprises

Thursday 2 July 2015

Home » Youth » SENSE: working on the creation of new social enterprises

The 8 days training course SENSE – Social ENtrepreneurship & Social media for youth Employability, funded by the  Erasmus+ Programme – Key Action 1, Mobility of Youth Workers, has come to an end. It took place in Baida (Palermo, Italy) from 6th to 14th June 2015.

The project has gathered 31 youth workers of different age from 21 countries of the European Union and South Mediterranean area: Italy, Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germania, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Morocco, Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Romania.

The training course was dedicated to social entrepreneurship and social media to foster youth employability in EU, as well as in the South Mediterranean countries. It aimed to give inspiration, tools and new methodologies to youth workers by providing ideas on how to create a social business and bring a positive impact on society. The project wants also to ensure social inclusion and economic development through social entrepreneurship, as well as discovering the opportunities offered by social media in the promotion of social enterprises and in getting employed.

To achieve these goals different methodologies, both formal and non-formal, have been applied by trainers, such as participatory and learner-centered methods, creative thinking methods, cooperative learning, peer learning,  learning by doing methods, open space technology (OST) and many more besides.

As a result, participants have increased their awareness about social entrepreneurship as a response to youth unemployment and about the opportunities offered by social networks to facilitate employability. They have the chance to promote and transfer to youth in their local communities their recently gained knowledge regarding social entrepreneurship and use of media in social enterprise.

SENSE, by gathering together participants from the  two sides of the Mediterranean sea basin, acted as a unifying point as well as an extraordinary means of dialogue: participants had benefited from the intercultural, intergenerational dialogue, mutual understanding and as well, from the dissemination of good practices and case studies among different countries. Thus, this will give them the opportunity to establish new networks for future joint collaborations.

For more information about the project please send an e-mail to

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[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#3C5998″ color=”#ffffff” wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#fff”]Sense – Fact Sheet[/su_button]

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