What are the best strategies to promote Inclusion, Diversity and Equality in youth work?
Which tools can be useful for youth workers in supporting the equal opportunities?
We invite you to participate in the final event of the RIDE project – Resources for Inclusion, Diversity and Equality – which will take place on 29th September 2017 from 14,30 to 18,00 at CESIE, Via Roma 94 Palermo.
During the session, we will present, explore and practice resources for Inclusion, Diversity and Equality collected in the RIDE Toolbox.
Final Event of the RIDE project
Practice resources review and dissemination workshop
29th September 2017 | Time 14,30-18,00
CESIE, Via Roma 94 – Palermo
[su_box title=”PROGRAMME OF THE EVENT” box_color=”#006dc0″ title_color=”#ffffff”]
14:30 Welcome and presentation of the RIDE project
15:00 Introduction of RIDE Toolbox
15:15 Analysis of RIDE Principles and Approaches
15:45 Presentation of RIDE Good Practice Directory
16:15 Opportunities of the project I giovani parlano con l’Europa, Co-financed by “Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile Nazionale – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri”
16:30 Coffee break
16:45 ExploringRIDE Practice Resources
Database of existing resources
New resources
17:00 Example of activities
17:30 Evaluation and conclusion
18:00 Refreshment
The final event, we’re inviting you to, will bring together youth workers, practitioners, educators, learners and policy makers in order to support their learning regarding Inclusion, Diversity and Equality.
RIDE is a two-year project funded by Erasmus+ European Fund establishing a network of partners who share a common vision and understanding of quality youth work practice and providing youth workers with a comprehensive Toolbox of practice resources implementing principles of inclusion, diversity and equal opportunities.
RIDE Partners:
- University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdon, coordinator);
- University of Trnava (Slovakia);
- Akdeniz University (Turkey);
- Mreža mladih Hrvatske (Croatia);
- CESIE (Italy).
For further information
See the project website rideproject.eu.
Follow our project on Facebook and Twitter.
For information and participation contact Cecilie Grusova via e-mail cecilie.grusova@cesie.org
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.