Climate Change – Local Workshop

Wednesday 17 April 2013

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Climate Change - Local WorkshopOn 15th March 2013 a workshop within the project Communicating Ecological Responsibility in a Multicultural Environment: Communication Techniques for Mobilizing Youth Action on Climate Change was held at CESIE.

The workshop was aimed to convey the basics and the fundamental notions of screenplay and video editing to 7 selected participants, envisaging the transmission of the knowledge previously acquired by 4 young participants (3 trainees + 1 coordinator) during the Workshop held in Kenya in February.

During the meeting, very interesting reflections, critiques, project proposals and ideas have emerged, which will make an important contribution to the next phase of the project, the assembly and production of a video that could be passed on to the young generations, whose ultimate goal should be raising the awareness on a topic that involves us all very closely: Climate Change. It is essential to try to raise awareness and the interest of this particular age group to mitigate the terrible consequences that the development of this phenomenon may lead to, and that is why the multimedia tool was preferred, since it is particularly widespread among young people. We cannot wait any longer: it is necessary to act as soon as possible (with all possible forces and means!)

Therefore we are ready, after writing the script, to enter in the next phase of the project and to work together for the realisation of this short film, that will be eventually submitted to you. We hope you like it and that it may give you a pause for thought! This is our goal!

For further information please contact Stefania Giambelluca:

Youth in Action Programme – Action 3.2 Youth in the word (Cooperation with other countries of the world)

Youth in ActionThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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