Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced

Friday 28 February 2020

Home » Competence Cell » Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced

Institutions and organisations providing services to immigrants are not always aware of all the vulnerability factors that shape the needs of their clients. Integration strategies and daily work are also conditioned by scarce financial and human resources, and tend to seek one-size-fits-all solutions. Therefore, a careful evaluation of possible strategies for the attention, reception, and settlement of vulnerable migrants is necessary. Efforts to adapt these strategies to specific contexts should, however, be based on up-to-date research results and a screening of existing or previously implemented good practices.

What’s new in 2020’ Research?

RAISD’s novel approach to the topic aims at developing Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAIS) which define effective practices (i.e. highly scored by stakeholder criteria) for a given vulnerability context (as defined by field research). The correspondence between vulnerability contexts, implemented practices and criteria for their evaluation is ensured by a constant coordination of several consortium members. In three pilot rounds (between April 2020 and October 2021), TAIS are being designed, implemented and evaluated in seven participating countries. The pilots hold the promise of delivering evidence-based policy tools for differentiated attention and integration policies, tested in very different geographic, economic and social contexts.

Interested in joining the TAIS design activities?

Social enterprises and ecovillage experiences

Social enterprises and ecovillage experiences

Ecovillages and social enterprises promote sustainability through innovative practices that integrate environmental, social, cultural and economic regeneration. They face challenges related to adopting sustainable practices, but offer transferable models to foster more responsible development. These models are key to forming ecopreneurs, entrepreneurs capable of applying regenerative and sustainable approaches.