CESIE is looking for participants
The project will take place at Kiskunhalas, Hungary from the 17th to 30th of July 2012
The participants will be youngsters from the following countries Italy, Hungary, Germany, Romania and Bulgaria. Part of them will have different origins as rom or other cultural minorities.
Youngsters aged from 18 to 25
The main tool of dialogue and work will be Theater; thanks to the collaboration of a theater company composed by 30 young people, who take the roles of screenwriters, actors, costume designers and journalists. A final performance will be developed.
How much it will cost:
- Accommodation and food are 100% covered by the organisation
- Travel Expenses: participants get 70% of the travel costs reimbursed
We’re ooking for one Group Leader!
The Advanced planning visit will be from 16 to 19 May 2012 in Hungary.
If you’re interested please send us your CV with a motivation letter at scambiculturali@cesie.org before 30 June.