From the 10th to the 19th of May the Training Course “Let’s learn from each other” will be held in Ganja city, Azerbaijan: for 10 days, 24 young people coming from six countries (Spain, Italy, Turkey, Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan) will gather to address the delicate issue of intercultural learning, trying to improve the abilities, knowledge and skills in this field, also at working level. The training course is addressed to youth workers, young people belonging to minorities but also to those who are interested to the theme of intercultural dialogue and to the rights of weaker groups. The training course will be a good chance to share experience and knowledge about an issue that is becoming more and more defining for the world of our time, an unmissable chance to discuss the concrete tools allowing a constructive and efficient use of cultural diversity.
No age limits
- 70% of the flight ticket refunded
- 100% room and board covered
- 60 euro fee
If you’re interested to this training course send you application (cv + covering letter) by April 10th to