EYIN: Language online courses for migrants

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Home » Get involved » EYIN: Language online courses for migrants

corso-stranieriCESIE participates to the project EDUCATION FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF EUROPEAN YOUTH IMMIGRANT-EYIN” in collaboration with Tamat NGO and the Diputaciòn de Granada. After the local promotion, the project will offer two on-line language courses for migrants (100 hours/course) within the framework of Transnational Training Programme of Italy.

Through teaching methods in order to promote cooperative learning,  students will have the chance to develop their language capacities, aptitudes and skills in an innovative and online environment.


  • Young immigrants or young who belong to ethnic minorities (between 16 to 29 years).
  • Residing in a municipality of Italy.
  • Being unemployed and registered in the Employment Service of the partner country (Italy).


  • Complementary training
  • Experience.
  • IT skills
  • English language skills

At the end of the courses a Certificate of Achievement will be issued by Diputación de Granada and TAMAT NGO.

For further information, download the calls below and write to alberto.biondo@cesie.org

EYIN – English Course LV 1

EYIN – English Course LV 2

Workshop internazionale GUIDE su l’accompagnamento di minori stranierɜ non accompagnatɜ con disabilità e/o vulnerabili 

Workshop internazionale GUIDE su l’accompagnamento di minori stranierɜ non accompagnatɜ con disabilità e/o vulnerabili 

Sei impegnatǝ nella tutela delle persone di minore età non accompagnate? Vorresti migliorare le tue conoscenze e competenze nel settore e far parte di una rete nazionale e internazionale di espertɜ? Stiamo cercando te, professionista della migrazione e della tutela di persone di minore età straniere non accompagnate. Partecipa al workshop gratuito internazionale GUIDE. Candidati entro giovedì 22 agosto 2024.