Tell your story – Share your life stories during the Seminar in Palermo!

Thursday 31 August 2017

Home » Youth » Tell your story – Share your life stories during the Seminar in Palermo!

Why is it important to integrate storytelling and digital storymapping in educational processes?

In our experience, early school leaving can be prevented enhancing communication and digital skills among the younsters. For this instance, CESIE is looking for people not engaged in education, employment or training-  NEETs – for a seminar in Palermo (Italy) within the European project Tell Your Story, involving also participants from France, Austria, Belgium, UK, Slovenia.


From Monday 18th to Friday 22nd September 2017.


CESIE, via Roma 94, Palermo, Italy.

Which activities?

During the meeting NEETs – not (engaged) in education, employment or training – from each partner organisation, thus 18 NEETS in total will share their life anecdotes about what led to their dropping out of the school system, and the consequences arising from this decision. They will exchange the digital stories and maps they produce in the project and engage in joint multimedia production. The objective is to test learning modules and get feedback from the participants.


Participating to the training course is free of charge and CESIE will cover the meals.

What is Tell Your Story’s project?

Tell Your Story aims at exploring  the  use  of  digital  storytelling  and  story mapping  in  education  to contrast early school leaving.

Tell your story is a 2 years project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key action 2 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education. The project involves six partner organisations:

You’re interested in?

For further information, please visit Tell Your Story website.

If you are interested in the seminar, please contact Caroline Dickinson –

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