Fostering E-Health Education, Research and Innovation in Egypt and Lebanon

Thursday 19 March 2020

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Health information technology, in the form of telemedicine (TM), electronic medical record, e-health technology, etc. is the future of healthcare sectors to improve their health delivery service quality.

Implementation of e-health is expected to affect the outcomes of medical services positively, by contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of overall healthcare ecosystem. This becomes more crucial in developing countries such as Lebanon and Egypt where access, finance, resources and competent professionals in healthcare are limited. Despite significant progress in public health over the past 20 years in Lebanon and Egypt, the fundamental conditions for health have not been achieved (Source: Project Application).

Based on this, 18 Institutions from Europe, Egypt and Lebanon coordinated by Linnaeus University put their efforts together to support development of medical links and e-health through ICU Knowledge Triangle, Innovation: Reinforcing of Education – Research E-Health & Medical Links (RERE) project.

The proposal is coordinated by Dr. Mosad Zineldin, Linnaeus University, and will last for three years aiming at reach these specific objectives:

  •  To establish the international network Centers of e-health Innovations in EG and LB for administrative and technical supporting of e-health research/ consulting / training activities.
  • To develop the Knowledge Triangle, innovation: Education-Research- e-health business web platform KTERE for collaboration in development and commercialization of e-Health innovative technologies and tools.
  • To develop a new integrated professional short term (6 months) and long term (one year) diploma program in Medical informatics and e-Health (6 basic modules) for partner universities in LE and EG.
  • To develop in-service lifelong learning training (LLT) program (4 modules) in the area of e-health innovative Medical/health/IT/engineering. To develop on site and distance in-service training program (4 modules) in the area of innovative E-health for the further utilization of OER (open educational resources) and rich open learning environments. 

More details about the project and expected are available in the first NEWSLETTER.

About the project

RERE ICU Knowledge Triangle, Innovation: Reinforcing of Education – Research E-Health & Medical Links (609506-EPP-1-2019-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) is funded by Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education Programme.


For further information

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