Contributes to the development of society, innovation and knowledge.
Help develop measures to counter violence and discrimination.
Supports adults in enhancing skills to promote their professional growth and participation in social and civic life.
Promotes intercultural dialogue among individuals from all parts of the world to build bridges of knowledge and sharing.
Promotes quality and efficiency in education.
Supports and promotes educational activities, training courses and mobility projects aimed at young people.
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CESIE ETS is a European center for studies and initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily.
CESIE ETS was founded in 2001 inspired by Danilo Dolci's commitment.
Our projects are supported by many cooperative networks.
New funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027.
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Working at CESIE is more than just a job.
The voice of those who seize the opportunity to live and work in another country with CESIE ETS.
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Promotes inclusive participatory processes and acts to reduce poverty and educational inequality.
Creates opportunities for economic, social, educational and cultural development through joint work with third countries.
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Sport can be a driver of change for environmental sustainability.
Explore the Green League model, an innovative approach that links best environmental practices and sport. You will find out how sporting activity can help raise awareness and take action against climate change.
We look forward to seeing you
on Monday 27 January 2025, from 10am to 1pm
Aula Magna, Dipartimento SPPEFF, Università degli Studi di Palermo – Via Giovanni Pascoli, 6
Three experts on climate change, sport and the environment will speak and will also be available to answer questions and requests for further information.
Have we impressed you? Save the date and join us!
Welcome and introduction:
Promoting sustainability in the Sport Sector: Green League Model – Sport Alliance for the Environment – CESIE ETS
Climate change and environmental sustainability: the impact on society and the world of sport – Roberto Feo, esperto in Tutela dell’Ambiente
How the sports world reacts to climate change: challenges and solutions – Fabio Pagliara, presidente Fondazione SportCity
Local and national best practices:
Green League – Sport alliance for the environment is a project funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme – cooperation partnership – sport – that aims to improve the link between sport and the environment through experiential learning, promoting outdoor physical activity as a tool for environmental awareness and encouraging sustainable practices in sport.
Read more about Green League. Visit the Website. Follow the awareness raising campaign and watch our videos on YouTube. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Contact Giulia Siino: