The Feminist on Cellblock Y – screening and debate on feminist education in prison contexts


22 May 2024


17:00 - 19:00
Home Eventi - CESIE ETS The Feminist on Cellblock Y – screening and debate on feminist education in prison contexts

What is the potential of feminist education to counter patriarchal models? How do feminist educational programmes operate within prison contexts? What are the possibilities in our local context and what are the obstacles?

Patriarchal violence acts in our society at all levels: from families, to schools, to work contexts, to the streets of our cities. In all these contexts, a feminist education to the identification of the root causes of gender-based violence is more necessary than ever.

With an approach related to transformative justice and intersectional feminism, the Success Stories programme is conducting educational debates related to toxic masculinity with groups of cisgender men within different US prison settings.

The CNN documentary ‘The Feminist on Cellblock Y’ follows one such programme within the Soledad Correctional Training Facility (CA, USA) where a group of cisgender men, facilitated by one of the inmates and founders of the programme, discusses vulnerability and the boundaries of gender norms.

If you work in the judicial sector and/or in contact with people in conflict with the law, we look forward to seeing you at the informal Freedom debate which will take place on:

Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 at 5pm

at Al Fresco – BistrotVia Matteo Sclafani, 9, Palermo

with the screening of The Feminist on Cellblock Y documentary.

It will be followed by an informal debate and outcomes of Road To Freedom project.

Conclusion and final cocktail.

Free event by reservation.

About Road to Freedom

Road To Freedom is a project funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation Partnership in Adult Education programme.


For further information

Read about Road To Freedom. Contact Alice Valenza:

More Info

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