Contributes to the development of society, innovation and knowledge.
Help develop measures to counter violence and discrimination.
Supports adults in enhancing skills to promote their professional growth and participation in social and civic life.
Promotes intercultural dialogue among individuals from all parts of the world to build bridges of knowledge and sharing.
Promotes quality and efficiency in education.
Supports and promotes educational activities, training courses and mobility projects aimed at young people.
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CESIE ETS is a European center for studies and initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily.
CESIE ETS was founded in 2001 inspired by Danilo Dolci's commitment.
Our projects are supported by many cooperative networks.
New funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027.
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Working at CESIE is more than just a job.
The voice of those who seize the opportunity to live and work in another country with CESIE ETS.
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Promotes inclusive participatory processes and acts to reduce poverty and educational inequality.
Creates opportunities for economic, social, educational and cultural development through joint work with third countries.
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Over the past two years, the partners of the KITE Fighters project have developed innovative tools with profound therapeutic and educational value to combat bullying in schools. To promote these tools and share the results of the project, CESIE has organized a conference that will be held on the
28th of May, 2022
from 11.00 to 13.30
at PYC – Palermo Youth Centre in Villa Trabia
Via Marchese Ugo, 4, Palermo
It is vital to keep talking about bullying and cyberbullying which continue to be real threats. In February 2022, the Osservatorio indifesa published the results of a survey that involved more than 1,700 boys and girls aged 14 to 26 throughout Italy. The survey revealed that 1 in 2 adolescents has been bullied and that, together with cyberbullying, the two phenomena are among the main risks perceived by adolescents. The comments collected during the research also denounce the deep pain felt by boys and girls for discrimination due to sexual orientation, racist offenses, bodyshaming, acts of denigration, violence and incitement to suicide.
At the conference, we will talk about this and through sessions through Storytelling and Folk Tales sessions we will learn that a well-told story with an intrinsic meaning can be a powerful weapon, that creates bridges and brings together.
Moreover, through the Symbolwork we will discover that an alternative language can help to express one’s thoughts and feelings, especially in uncomfortable situations.
Agenda of the event:
11.00: Welcome & Presentation of the KITE project
11.30: Storytelling sessione
12.00: Coffee break
12.15: Folk Tales Work session with Kamishibai
12.45: Symbolwork presentation
13.00: Conclusions
Register here ( For more information, contact
KITE fighters – Kids and Teachers Fighting for Inclusion is cofinanced by Erasmus + Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership for school education.
Read more about KITE fighters, see the project website and follow us on Facebook.
Contact Giorgia Scuderi: