Fondi 2021-2027

CESIE aims to inform its partners and beneficiaries about the new funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027, under the new Programmes.

It will be our pleasure to constantly update this section with the latest news from the European Commission. Find below an overview of the programmes of education, youth, sport, research, justice, culture and citizenship.


Enriching lives, opening minds through the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

The new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion, nearly doubling the funding compared to its predecessor programmes (2014-2020), complemented by around €2.2 billion from EU external cooperation instruments. 70% of the budget will support mobility opportunities for all, in a lifelong learning perspective. 30% of the budget will be invested in cooperation projects and policy development activities where organisations gain experience in international cooperation, strengthen their capacities, produce innovative approaches, exchange good practices and network. Through these actions, Erasmus+ will play an important role in strengthening resilience and supporting recovery and innovation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

The programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transition, as well as on promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

Call Deadline
Azione chiave 1
Mobilità individuale nei settori dell’IFP, dell’istruzione scolastica e dell’istruzione degli adulti 20 febbraio 2024 alle 12.00
Mobilità del personale nel settore dello sport 20 febbraio 2024 alle 12.00
Mobilità internazionale che coinvolge paesi terzi non associati al programma 20 febbraio 2024 alle 12.00
Accreditamenti Erasmus nell’IFP, nell’istruzione scolastica e nell’istruzione degli adulti 1 ottobre 2024 alle 12.00
Accreditamenti Erasmus nel settore della gioventù 1 ottobre 2024 alle 12.00
Mobilità individuale nel settore della gioventù 20 febbraio 2024 alle 12.00
Mobilità individuale nel settore della gioventù 1 ottobre 2024 alle 12.00
Azione DiscoverEU a favore dell’inclusione 20 febbraio 2024 alle 12.00
Scambi virtuali nel settore dell’istruzione superiore e della gioventù 25 aprile 2024 alle 17.00

Call Deadline
Azione chiave 2
Partenariati per la cooperazione nei settori dell’istruzione, della formazione e della gioventù, ad eccezione di quelli presentati da ONG europee 5 marzo 2024 alle 12.00
Partenariati per la cooperazione nei settori dell’istruzione, della formazione e della gioventù presentati da ONG europee 5 marzo 2024 alle 17.00
Partenariati per la cooperazione nel settore dello sport 5 marzo 2024 alle 17.00
Partenariati per la cooperazione nel settore della gioventù, ad eccezione di quelli presentati da ONG europee 1 ottobre 2024 alle 12.00
Partenariati di piccola scala nei settori dell’istruzione scolastica, dell’istruzione e formazione professionale, dell’istruzione degli adulti e della gioventù 5 marzo 2024 alle 12.00
Partenariati di piccola scala nei settori dell’istruzione scolastica, dell’istruzione e formazione professionale, dell’istruzione degli adulti e della gioventù 1 ottobre 2024 alle 12.00
Partenariati su scala ridotta nel settore dello sport 5 marzo 2024 alle 17.00
Centri di eccellenza professionale 7 maggio 2024 alle 17.00
Accademie degli insegnanti Erasmus + 6 giugno 2024 alle 17.00
Azione Erasmus Mundus 15 febbraio 2024 alle 17.00
Alleanze per l’innovazione 7 marzo 2024 alle 17.00
Sviluppo di capacità nel settore dell’istruzione superiore 8 febbraio 2024 alle 17.00
Sviluppo delle capacità nel settore dell’istruzione e formazione professionale 29 febbraio 2024 alle 17.00
Sviluppo delle capacità nel settore della gioventù 6 marzo 2024 alle 17.00
Sviluppo delle capacità nel settore dello sport 5 marzo 2024 alle 17.00
Eventi sportivi europei senza scopo di lucro 5 marzo 2024 alle 17.00

Call Deadline
Azione chiave 3
European Youth Together 7 marzo 2024 alle 17.00


Call Deadline

Jean Monnet Actions and Networks

1 febbraio 2024 alle 17.00

Asylum and Migration Fund

Supporting a robust, realistic and fair EU policy

The main priorities that will be addressed under the Asylum and Migration Fund are: a stronger and more efficient Common European Asylum System, greater support for integration and faster and more frequent returns. The programme will support the early integration of migrants and asylum applicants.

Global Europe - NDICI

A single instrument to finance EU policies on poverty reduction, protection of human rights and crisis response

Global Europe is the EU’s main financial tool for promoting sustainable development, peace and stability across the globe. With an envelope of €79.5 billion for the period 2021-2027, the EU’s external actions support partner countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

    International Security Fund (ISF)

    Fighting against terrorism and radicalization, serious and organized crime, cybercrime and protecting the victims

    With an overall budget of €1.9 billion, the Internal Security Fund, will finance actions in the field of fight against terrorism and radicalization, serious and organized crime, cybercrime and the protection of victims. The ISF will contribute in particular to: increasing the exchange of information between EU law enforcement authorities and enhancing co-operation and cross border operations; cross-border cooperation via intensifying cross-border joint operations; fight against crime via strengthening capabilities to combat and prevent crime and reinforcing protection against terrorism, organised crime and cybercrime.

    Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)

    Contributing to sustain and further develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law

    The new €1.55 billion CERV programme aims at protecting and promoting the rights and values as enshrined in the Treaties, the Charter and in the applicable international human rights conventions. It will be based on four strands: (i) Union values; (ii) Equality, Rights and Gender Equality and participation; (iii) Citizens’ engagement; (iv) Daphne.

    Call Deadline

    Sviluppo della conoscenza ed aumento della consapevolezza riguardo la Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali dell’UE (CERV-2024-CHARLITI-CHARTER)

    18 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

    Promozione dei diritti e dei valori attraverso il potenziamento dello spazio civico (CERV-2024-CHARLITI-CIVIC)

    18 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

    Contenzioso strategico (CERV-2024-CHARLITI-LITIGATION)

    18 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

    Protezione dei valori e diritti dell’UE attraverso la lotta al hate crime ed al hate speech (CERV-2024-CHARLITI-SPEECH)

    18 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

    Sostenere un ambiente favorevole alla protezione dei whistleblowers (segnalatori di illeciti) (CERV-2024-CHARLITI-WHISTLE)

    18 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando Gemellaggi di Città

    19 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando sulla Memoria Europea

    6 giugno 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando Reti di Città

    18 aprile 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando per la promozione della parità di genere

    9 aprile 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando Daphne per la prevenzione e il contrasto della violenza di genere e della violenza sui minori

    29 maggio 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando sui diritti e sulla partecipazione dei minori

    26 marzo 2024 alle 17.00

    Bando per le organizzazioni della società civile sulla protezione e promozione dei valori dell'Unione (bando per intermediari)

    7 marzo 2024 at 17.00


    Contributing to the further development of a European area of justice based on the rule of law

    The Justice Programme is running from 2021 to 2027. It provides funding to support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters such as training to judges and other legal practitioners and effective access to justice for citizens and businesses. It contributes to the further development of a European area of justice based on the rule of law, including independence and impartiality of the judiciary, on mutual recognition, mutual trust and judicial cooperation. It is strengthening democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights.

    Call Deadline

    Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on training of justice professionals covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights

    21st of March 2024 at 17.00

    Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters

    18th of April 2024 at 17.00

    Digital Europe

    Accelerating the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe

    With €7.6 billion, the Digital Europe Programme will provide funding for projects in five crucial areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and ensuring the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society. The programme focuses on building the strategic digital capacities of the EU and on facilitating the wide deployment of digital technologies, to be used by Europe's citizens and businesses. Investments under the Digital Europe programme supports the Union’s twin objectives of a green transition and digital transformation and strengthens the Union’s resilience and strategic autonomy.

    Creative Europe

    Promoting, strengthening and protecting European cultural and linguistic diversity, cultural heritage and creativity

    Culture plays a pivotal role in addressing key societal and economic challenges, especially in promoting active citizenship, common values, wellbeing, innovation, economic growth and job creation. With a total budget of €2.4 billion, the Creative Europe programme will continue to promote cultural and linguistic diversity, heritage and competitiveness, and will allow cultural and creative organisations and professionals to co-create and cooperate across borders and to reach wider audiences, tackling current societal questions and supporting emerging artists.

    Call Deadline

    Progetti di cooperazione europea su piccola scala (CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-1)

    23 gennaio 2024 alle 17.00

    Progetti di cooperazione europea su media scala (CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-2)

    23 gennaio  2024 alle 17.00

    NEWS - Partenariati sul giornalismo– Pluralismo (CREA-CROSS-2024-JOURPART-PLURALISM)

    14 febbraio 2024 17.00

    NEWS - Alfabetizzazione mediatica (CREA-CROSS-2024-MEDIALITERACY)

    7 marzo 2024 at 17.00

    Interreg Europe

    Interreg Europe is an interregional cooperation programme aiming at supporting the exchange of good practices and policy learning among European regions in 29 countries - the EU27, Norway and Switzerland. The European Union strives to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in and across Europe’s regions. The programme contributes to this objective by creating an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues.

    The programme’s budget is MEUR 379 to help local, regional and national governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy.

    Call Deadline

    3rd call for projects

    7th of June 2024 at 17.00 (ENG) - 7 giugno 2024 alle 17.00 (ITA)

    Interreg NEXT

    Supporting economic and social development of the border areas through joint actions including in environment protections, public health services, safety and security measures, connectivity, support to SMEs and entrepreneurship

    In 2021-2027, the cross-border cooperation between EU Member States and Neighbourhood region will be governed by the EU Cohesion policy and the programmes will be fully part of Interreg. In order to highlight the external dimension of Cohesion policy and at the same time to emphasise how close EU and partner countries stand, the new programmes is called “Interreg NEXT”.

      Interreg Euro-MED

      We are a European Territorial Cooperation Programme that aims to make the Mediterranean region smarter and greener and improve the governance between its stakeholders. We provide funds for projects developed and managed by public administrations, universities, private and civil society organisations.

      The Interreg Euro-MED Programme supports cooperation across Mediterranean borders. We provide funds for projects developed and managed by public administrations, universities, private and civil society organisations. The Programme brings together partners from 69 regions of 14 countries from the Northern shore of the Mediterranean with a common objective: a climate neutral and resilient society for the benefit of its citizens. For the next seven year, together with our partners we will work to make the region smarter, greener and improve the governance between its stakeholders. The total programme budget amounts to about 294M€ for the 2021-2027 period.

      Call Deadline

      Call 4

      12 giugno 2024 (ITA) / 12th of June 2024 (ENG)

      Call 5

      26 settembre 2024 (ITA) / 26th of September 2024 (ENG)


      The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is the European Union (EU)’s main instrument for investing in people and supporting the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

      With a budget of €142.7 billion for the period 2021-2027, the ESF+ will continue to provide an important contribution to the EU’s employment, social, education and skills policies, including structural reforms in these areas. The Fund will also be one of the cornerstones of EU socio-economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has reversed gains in labour participation, challenged educational and health systems and increased inequalities. The ESF+ will be one of the key EU instruments helping Member States to address these challenges. As part of cohesion policy, the ESF+ will also continue its mission to support economic, territorial and social cohesion in the EU – reducing disparities between Member States and regions.

      Call Deadline

      Approcci innovativi per contrastare la disoccupazione di lungo periodo (ESF-SI-2024-LTU-01)

      30 settembre 2024 alle 17.00

      Approcci innovativi per mitigare le conseguenze sociali nei paesi UE dell’aggressione russa in Ucraina

      30 maggio 2024 alle 17.00

      Innovazioni sociali per lo sviluppo delle competenze di giovani vulnerabili, specialmente NEET

      27 marzo 2024


      The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. Created in 1992, it has co-financed thousands of projects. The LIFE programme 2021-2027 is managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and has a budget of €5.4 billion and is divided into four sub-programmes:

      • Nature and biodiversity
      • Circular economy and quality of life
      • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
      • Clean energy transition 
      Call Deadline
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per l’economia circolare e la qualità della vita - Ambiente 19 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per l’economia circolare e la qualità della vita - Governance 19 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per la natura e la biodiversità - Natura 19 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per la natura e la biodiversità - Governance 19 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico 17 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per la mitigazione del cambiamento climatico 17 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Azione Standard (SAPs) per la governance e informazioni sul clima  17 settembre 2024
      LIFE Transizione all’Energia Pulita - Progetti di Azione Standard 19 settembre 2024
      Progetti Strategici di Tutela della Natura (SNaP)

      Concept note: 5 settembre 2024
      Proposta completa: 6 marzo 2025

      Progetti Strategici Integrati (SIP) Concept note: 5 settembre 2024
      Proposta completa: 6 marzo 2025
      Progetti di Assistenza Tecnica per la Preparazione di progetti SNAP 18 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Assistenza Tecnica per la Preparazione di progetti SIP - Ambiente 18 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Assistenza Tecnica per la Preparazione di progetti SIP - Clima 18 settembre 2024
      Progetti di Assistenza Tecnica per la Replicazione dei risultati di altri progetti 18 settembre 2024
      Accordi Quadro di Partenariato per Sovvenzioni di Funzionamento (FPAOG) 5 settembre 2024
      Convenzioni di sovvenzione Specifiche per Sovvenzioni di Funzionamento (SGA OG) 17 settembre 2024
      Progetti Preparatori - per affrontare Priorità Legislative e Politiche ad hoc (PLP) 19 settembre 2024

      Tender Opportunities


      EU institutions, agencies and other bodies, as well as various international donors regularly publish Calls for tenders for the provision of services (technical assistance, studies etc.) in different sectors. Tendering is a competitive bidding process that awards contracts to the candidate proposing the best quality-price ratio.

      CESIE’s main priority fields are:

      • Entrepreneurship, employment and employability
      • Education – Elementary and Secondary School Education; VET
      • Gender Equality
      • Social Inclusion, support to civil society organisations
      • Radicalisation and extremism prevention
      • Digitalisation; online communication and online campaigning, e-learning
      Learn more

      The European Commission’s department for International Partnerships launches calls for tenders in the context of the external action of the EU. Thematic focus areas of the DG International Partnerships include: Democracy and human rights; Education and skills; Energy; Environment; Gender equality; Health; Urban and regional development; Nutrition and food security; Peaceful and inclusive societies; Sustainable economic growth; Water and sanitation; Partners (Local Authorities and Civil Society. Geographically, the external action encompasses Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Overseas Countries and Territories.

      Call for tenders are also regularly launched by DG NEAR for the regions of the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood of the EU.

      Other DGs (e.g. the Directorate-General for Education and Culture, DG EAC) use tender procedures as well for the procurement of a variety of services inside the European Union.

      Further to this, calls for tenders are used by other donors, such as the German Development Cooperation Agency GIZ.

      Some of these tender opportunities follow an open procedure, where interested tenderers are asked to send directly their proposal within an established deadline; some also foresee a two-step selection process, where the tenderer first has to submit an “Expression of Interest” and then, if pre-selected, receives the complete Terms of Reference together with the invitation to submit the complete proposal within a given deadline.

      Learn more about tender opportunities: