The JERICHO’s Parents’ Guide is an informational tool aimed at guiding families in responding to potential or confirmed cases of sexual exploitation in prostitution of minors.

The JERICHO’s Parents’ Guide is an informational tool aimed at guiding families in responding to potential or confirmed cases of sexual exploitation in prostitution of minors.
This document is intended for those who would like to repeat our YAB experience, allowingз young people to be heard and consulted in all matters that affect them directly or indirectly.
The JERICHO report analyzes the phenomenon of child prostitution in Italy, providing an overview of the legal framework, some statistical and demographic data, and information on the response implemented in Italy.
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This document is a compilation of the desk and field research conducted in Palermo to identify existing local integration strategies and initiatives and good practices.
This report presents the national implementation of a traveling counseling desk in Palermo, Italy.
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Download the teacher handbook and the BoysLingo collection of best practices!
The purpose of the #WeCoLead e-booklet is to provide to young women and youth workers useful tools and content that can support them to continue to transfer the knowledge and experience they have started within the project to other young people, especially women.
The #WeCoLead Toolkit consists of three Toolkits and explores the role that informal and nonformal education can play in providing tools for young women to act as leaders and forces for change in their communities toward sustainability, equality, and inclusion.
International report on the results of research and activities implemented within social media.
Analysis of social media content and various published posts portraying how young women use social media to express their concerns and opinions.
This educational curriculum provides training tools to promote comprehensive sexual education for young people, supporting their learning about intimacy and sexuality.
Download the ISEX white paper: you can understand what the state of sex and affective education is in Italy.
This research is aimed at defining state of the art, in Italy and the REBOOT NOW project partner countries, in the field of student welfare support.