STOP! European project launched an e-learning platform addressed to anyone who works with minors, on a professional or voluntary basis (teachers, educators, etc).
Children and Women
MICREATE – European Policy Brief
This policy brief presents the research, summarises the most important policy-relevant findings, and the cross-country policy recommendations for integration of migrant children in education, as they follow from the MiCREATE project.
MICREATE – Comparative Qualitative Research Report on the inclusion of migrant children
Methodological and pedagogical study This report presents the results of a qualitative multi-method study conducted among 10–19 year-old children and young adults in schools. The overall objective was to gain comprehensive knowledge about the processes of integration...
MICREATE – Comparative Survey Analysis on the inclusion of migrant children
This policy brief presents the research, summarises the most important policy-relevant findings, and the cross-country policy recommendations for integration of migrant children in education, as they follow from the MiCREATE project.
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DigiKommune – European Skills Portfolio for female creative entrepreneurs to virtualise their business
Key information gained from the research conducted in partner countries, highlighting similarities and differences across EU, and the collection of skills needed by female artists and creatives to develop their creative businesses in a more digital setting to adapt to the Covid-19 era.
HEAL: Fanzines Book
This Fanzines Book is a collection of 43 fanzines created by women survivors of trafficking, from across 4 EU countries (Italy, Greece, Spain and Romania).
ACTIVE: Educational platform
The educational platform is a useful tool to enhance the knowledge and skills of sports professionals in identifying and preventing violence against children, as well as in promoting a safe and child-friendly environment in sports and leisure activities.
ACTIVE: Guidelines for the creation of multi-agency networks for child safeguarding
The aim of the present Guidelines is to enable readers to create multi-agency networks with key stakeholders to foster cooperation in the field on child safeguarding.
BASE: Cultural Advisor curriculum
The Curriculum aims at enhancing the cultural advisors’ capacity to provide guidance to professionals working in support services handling sexual violence and GBV against migrant women/girls.
BASE: Capacity building programme on communication with migrant/refugee girls victims of GBV
The Capacity Building Programme has the aim to increase professionals’ awareness of the ways in which cultural background influences GBV, as well as different aspects of procedures such as disclosure/reporting of abuse/violence.
ACTIVE: Self-assessment tool on Child Protection Policies in sports
The present tool provides guidance on how sports organisations can improve and/or develop child safeguarding practices and policies.
YU WOK 2 END HT – Research Report: youth worker identification of victims of human trafficking
The objective of this transnational Research Report is to provide knowledge about human trafficking among youth in partner countries of the project, its methods of advancing, its exploitation and the different practices for emergence, identification and support for young victims.
IN2STE(A)M: Report on the Value of STE(A)M in Girls’ Education
This document serves as a State-of-the-Art report based upon both primary and secondary research led by the partners of IN2STEAM.
HEAL – Toolkit for the psychological support sessions “Fanzines and coping with trauma”
The present Toolkit is designed to guide experts and stakeholders, namely support service providers, in their support to women during the healing process after traumatic experiences related to trafficking.