Miracle – Report on migration
Report on National Migration Policies and its Impacts on the Situation of Members of Minorities in the Partner Countries.
Contributes to the development of society, innovation and knowledge.
Help develop measures to counter violence and discrimination.
Supports adults in enhancing skills to promote their professional growth and participation in social and civic life.
Promotes intercultural dialogue among individuals from all parts of the world to build bridges of knowledge and sharing.
Promotes quality and efficiency in education.
Supports and promotes educational activities, training courses and mobility projects aimed at young people.
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CESIE ETS is a European center for studies and initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily.
CESIE ETS was founded in 2001 inspired by Danilo Dolci's commitment.
Our projects are supported by many cooperative networks.
New funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027.
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Working at CESIE is more than just a job.
The voice of those who seize the opportunity to live and work in another country with CESIE ETS.
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Promotes inclusive participatory processes and acts to reduce poverty and educational inequality.
Creates opportunities for economic, social, educational and cultural development through joint work with third countries.
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Report on National Migration Policies and its Impacts on the Situation of Members of Minorities in the Partner Countries.
Comparative Report Comparative Report on the Impacts of Migration on the Educational Setting and the Possibilities that Guarantee Equal Educational Opportunities for Children with and without Migration Background (Summary of the National Findings) The aim of...
Manual This teacher training course manual contains some of the teaching and learning units for 5 – 14 year old pupils, several will be applied during the course itself. However, all were developed according to...
Handbook This “Exact Teacher Handbook” supports teachers and trainers that work with people from disadvantaged backgrounds and that are interested in integrating new methodologies into the school curricula by making educational tools more accessible and...
EXACT Inventory The Inventory contains six good practices which can be directly used by trainers as an alternative to “curative” actions. Each good practice represents an excellent example of a product developed within local actions...
Analysis Report The needs analysis was created at University Centre Doncaster and was based on the key output aims for the HATTRICK project while each partner conducted interviews at their respective clubs. Each Partner organisation...
Project leaflet of the WBLQUAL project.
The aspirations and achievements on up-skilling work based learners through higher education qualifications.
Employers’ view on work-based learning (WBL).
Work based higher learning (wbl) for the danish tourism sector
Report on National Migration Policies and its Impacts on the Situation of Members of Minorities in the Partner Countries.
Comparative Report Comparative Report on the Impacts of Migration on the Educational Setting and the Possibilities that Guarantee Equal Educational Opportunities for Children with and without Migration Background (Summary of the National Findings) The aim of...
Manual This teacher training course manual contains some of the teaching and learning units for 5 – 14 year old pupils, several will be applied during the course itself. However, all were developed according to...
Handbook This “Exact Teacher Handbook” supports teachers and trainers that work with people from disadvantaged backgrounds and that are interested in integrating new methodologies into the school curricula by making educational tools more accessible and...
EXACT Inventory The Inventory contains six good practices which can be directly used by trainers as an alternative to “curative” actions. Each good practice represents an excellent example of a product developed within local actions...
Analysis Report The needs analysis was created at University Centre Doncaster and was based on the key output aims for the HATTRICK project while each partner conducted interviews at their respective clubs. Each Partner organisation...
Project leaflet of the WBLQUAL project.
The aspirations and achievements on up-skilling work based learners through higher education qualifications.
Employers’ view on work-based learning (WBL).
Work based higher learning (wbl) for the danish tourism sector