VLOOM – Manual for new volunteers
Manual This manual is a practical guide to volunteering for European citizens of all ages and backgrounds. It is aimed at people who are thinking about volunteering and want to know more. Anyone can volunteer...
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CESIE ETS is a European center for studies and initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily.
CESIE ETS was founded in 2001 inspired by Danilo Dolci's commitment.
Our projects are supported by many cooperative networks.
New funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027.
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The voice of those who seize the opportunity to live and work in another country with CESIE ETS.
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Promotes inclusive participatory processes and acts to reduce poverty and educational inequality.
Creates opportunities for economic, social, educational and cultural development through joint work with third countries.
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Manual This manual is a practical guide to volunteering for European citizens of all ages and backgrounds. It is aimed at people who are thinking about volunteering and want to know more. Anyone can volunteer...
Handbook The Handbook of the project has been realised as a tool, to share the approach and the main methods used, and allow others – teachers, animators, trainers, etc. – to use these methods. We...
Manual This Manual is aimed at local government actors, and is designed to be an easy to use tool for the development of innovative Town twinning projects and preparation of project proposals under the Europe...
Art Book This project has been a European meeting on the topic of sexuality, seen from the point of view of three main social pillars: education, art & culture and politics. It aims to improve a sense...
Brochure This project aimed to improve active citizenship and local development of European rural areas by increasing a sense of ownership of the European Union among one of the most marginalized inhabitants: women. This project...
Handbook CREINTWIN is a capacity building project that aimed to give participants the possibility to acquire knowledge and competences about Town Twinning, especially to promote networks in the field of intercultural dialogue, using Creative Thinking....
Otesha Action Plan is a European action plan shared by European CITYZENS to promote sustainable consumption in a daily life.
It brings together commitments made by civil society and proposed actions for:
Report In the frame of the Cityzen project, all the partners from France, Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Latvia conducted some researches on responsible consumption in their country. These researches were done on the 7 main...
Report on National Migration Policies and its Impacts on the Situation of Members of Minorities in the Partner Countries.
Comparative Report Comparative Report on the Impacts of Migration on the Educational Setting and the Possibilities that Guarantee Equal Educational Opportunities for Children with and without Migration Background (Summary of the National Findings) The aim of...
Manual This manual is a practical guide to volunteering for European citizens of all ages and backgrounds. It is aimed at people who are thinking about volunteering and want to know more. Anyone can volunteer...
Handbook The Handbook of the project has been realised as a tool, to share the approach and the main methods used, and allow others – teachers, animators, trainers, etc. – to use these methods. We...
Manual This Manual is aimed at local government actors, and is designed to be an easy to use tool for the development of innovative Town twinning projects and preparation of project proposals under the Europe...
Art Book This project has been a European meeting on the topic of sexuality, seen from the point of view of three main social pillars: education, art & culture and politics. It aims to improve a sense...
Brochure This project aimed to improve active citizenship and local development of European rural areas by increasing a sense of ownership of the European Union among one of the most marginalized inhabitants: women. This project...
Handbook CREINTWIN is a capacity building project that aimed to give participants the possibility to acquire knowledge and competences about Town Twinning, especially to promote networks in the field of intercultural dialogue, using Creative Thinking....
Otesha Action Plan is a European action plan shared by European CITYZENS to promote sustainable consumption in a daily life.
It brings together commitments made by civil society and proposed actions for:
Report In the frame of the Cityzen project, all the partners from France, Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Latvia conducted some researches on responsible consumption in their country. These researches were done on the 7 main...
Report on National Migration Policies and its Impacts on the Situation of Members of Minorities in the Partner Countries.
Comparative Report Comparative Report on the Impacts of Migration on the Educational Setting and the Possibilities that Guarantee Equal Educational Opportunities for Children with and without Migration Background (Summary of the National Findings) The aim of...