Last March and April 2012, 32 delegates of Employment offices of Polish cities Chelmno and Brodnica participated to a study visit, fund by the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci - Mobility for Professionals in Vocational Education and Training. Some of the...
Short Evs “NATURAL” – Natural Awareness ThroUgh Active Learning
In April 2012, 6 volunteers from France, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Spain experiences their European Voluntary Service in an education centre in a nature reserve “Serra Guarneri” near the Madonie Park and at Noe Association in a confiscated land to Mafia near...
Sustainior: opportunity for senior volunteers
I volontari hanno contribuito con le loro idee, esperienze e lavoro, arricchendo il lavoro di associazioni locali sia nell’ambito del consumo e dello sviluppo sostenibile che in altri ambiti sociali, come l’educazione interculturale.
A great moment in my life
I remember the day when I arrived at Palermo airport. I was met by two people at the airport and after introducing…
Erinoor: Call for European Voluntary Service in Estonia
Open call for 15 european volunteers positions in several Estonian centers…
Personal account of a youth exchange
The following account is the experience of one of our volunteers who took part in a youth exchange, which was funded by the Youth…
National Civil Service abroad
CESIE – Centre of European Studies and Initiatives, has prepared the interview calendar …
Sustainior: Senior Volunteering project
In September, October and November 2011 CESIE and Pistes Solidaires (Marseille) have sent and hosted reciprocally nine…
Call open for an exchange in Turkey
City Talk is a youth exchange in which will participate youth from different European countries, who wants to share their…
Call open for a Training Course in Georgia
For seven days from 5 to 12 of November 2011 in Bakuriani, Georgia (with plenary sessions, discussions, workshops, open…
Call open for exchange in Turkey
Preventing obesity and promoting healthy life for youth is the main aim of “Challenge obesity through dance and sport activity”, a youth…
Mobility as a tool to acquire and develop competence
Polish National Agency of Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action Programmes would…
Senior volunteers of the project “Porta Nuova” began its training
This May the group of Italian senior volunteers of the project PORTA NUOVA began its training to…
Libera Piazza: Commitment, Remembrance and Citizenship
Il CESIE – Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo sarà presente il 19 maggio dalle ore 16.00 alle 19.00 in Piazza Castelnuovo, presso…
Senior volunteering from Cornwell to Palermo
In March the Porta Nuova programme dedicated to senior volunteers over 50 from Cornwall has been carried out…