Fake news and climate change: a free training course in Palermo. Apply now!

Fake news and climate change: a free training course in Palermo. Apply now!
Travel with us to Vienna for a good cause! Participate in the LEAGUE project workshop to prevent online child sexual abuse.
Enhancing the entrepreneurial skills of young people in a sustainable way: participate in our 3-day training as part of GEA!
Are you a person with a migrant background living in Italy? Join RAISE and become a Volunteer Educator or a Trainer to share your passions and knowledge with others.
Did you know stories do not necessarily need words to be told?Discover how the art of movement can help young people get to know each other through CHIMES and Base Camp projects.
Are you a sports professional and do you care about the environment? Join Green League for a free workshop in Slovenia!
CESIE is looking for motivated and experienced project writers, to be included in its expert data-base.
Promoting social inclusion through art: join the CREATE focus group.
TEACHmi Info Day: an event to learn about inclusive and intercultural educational resources. Want to participate? Read the article to for more details!
CHIMES offers one last opportunity for young people to take part in the next Creative Dance Workshop and fly to Portugal.
TEACHmi offers a cycle of three online training meetings to promote the strenght-based approach and enhance the intercultural character of learning environments.
Are you a teacher or a trainer of professional training courses and want to know more about the methodology of Design Thinking? Join our seminar!
On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, we recall the need for greater political and social cooperation to remove the barriers that stand in the way of inclusion and independent living of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Are you between the ages of 18 and 30 and would like to try a volunteer experience in Greece? Check out Green Your Mind’s ESC opportunities!
Test your creativity and participate in CHIMES’ creative dance workshop.