Discovering the OTA learning methodology for teachers and pupils

Thursday 30 March 2023

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How to get middle school students interested in learning science subjects?

This was the question that the partners from Cyprus, Finland, Italy and Slovenia asked themselves more than two years ago.

Distance learning had broken the balance within the education system and a solution had to be found to get pupils more involved.

It is in this spirit that the OTA project was born, which aims to address and overcome the obstacles caused by distance learning in the teaching and learning of subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry.

The studies and research carried out allowed partners from 4 European countries to map out common ground and develop a science curriculum that would bring together all schools in the 4 countries.

The aim was to create resources and activities that could be used directly by teachers in primary and secondary schools in Slovenia, Finland, Greece and Italy.

 More than 100 activities were designed that, based on an interdisciplinary approach, aim to bring students closer to the study of science by exploiting the great potential of art. What art? The partners exploited art in its broadest sense, from painting to reading; from storytelling to theatre; from experiments in the kitchen to dance!

Using these resources in the classroom will be very easy, thanks to a specially developed e-learning platform.

About the project

OTA is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices.


For further information

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