NOVA – E-learning platform Flipped studio “Successful innovator”

Thursday 30 March 2023

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E-learning platform

The NOVA online platform is addressed to the learners willing to develop their sense of innovation in order to get employed, become self-employed or volunteers in the CCS. It contains 5 self-learning sessions:

  • Innovative solutions in CCS during the Covid-19.
  • Importance of the cultural awareness and expression.
  • Digitalization opportunities for CCS.
  • How to realise my business in CCS effectively.
  • How to proceed with my innovation ideas in CCS as self-employed, employee or volunteer.

Available also in the following languages: IT, LT, RO, EL, BG.

DG di riferimento

DG EAC, Erasmus+: Key Action 2, Partnership for Creativity



Il progetto

NOVA – Flipped studio “Successful Innovator”

Scheda progetto




Adult students eager to develop their sense of innovation in order to obtain employment, become self-employed or volunteer in SCC.

Info & contatti


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CREATE – Training Toolkit

CREATE – Training Toolkit

This toolkit will enable artists to follow The Capacity Building course through all the training contents that the CREATE consortium has developed. The training materials comprise a combination of activities with text files, PPT presentations, case studies and videos which will be freely and openly available through the Virtual Knowledge Hub of the project.