Training youth workers on storytelling techniques to foster narratives of reconciliation, integration and dialogue and address collective trauma among disadvantaged young people in the Western Balkans.
Young people
REBUILD – Rebuilding society through youth engagement
Fostering youth civic participation after the COVID19 pandemic by creating opportunities for networking, mobilities, capacity building and tailored project design training.
HARRAGA2 – Processi di inclusione per minori migranti non accompagnati
Objectives Strengthening, experimenting and evaluating innovative paths of autonomy in the transition to the age of majority through a path of social inclusion, training, orientation and job placement for unaccompanied migrant minors welcomed.Defining and promoting of...
Skills4Life – Life Skills 4 Life After Prison: Sowing the Seeds of Social Inclusion for Young Offenders
Objectives Offer young people in conflict with the law the opportunity to improve their life prospects through the enhancement of their personal, social, organizational and relational skills. Provide young people in conflict with the law the practical tools to...
ADDET – Apprenticeship for the Development of Design Thinking
Developing the employability and problem-solving skills and competences of VET students through the Design Thinking methodology.
ISEX – Integral Sexual Education and Empowerment in Schools
Objectives Supporting safe, productive, fulfilling life for young people, ultimately contributing to preventing sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies, gender-based violence and gender inequality thanks to Sex Education. Promoting dialogue about...
INCLUSIVE EUROPE – Build Bonds Not Walls
Objectives Building a social network, composed also by representatives of the local communities;Introducing migrants to the new socio-economic context through propaedeutic activities to the entry into the labour market;Building empathy and trust between newcomers and...
ID PRO Protocols for Inclusion and Diversity
Objectives To establish specific and standard protocols for the prevention, action, mediation and/or reconciliation of violence and discrimination toward young people in international facilitate the work of educators, youth workers, educational leaders...
e-VELP: Youth Volunteer Educators e-leaning Program
Objectives To contribute to young migrants’ and refugees’ integration into European societies by promoting positive images of their cultures and identities;To help young migrants/refugees in becoming aware of their skills and knowledge, and in defining their fields of...
PAClife – Physical and Cultural Activity for Life skills Development
Objectives Building young people’s resilience (in particular volunteers) through the development of a physical and cultural activity programme helping them to adapt and deal with new and changing situations and to help society to thrive; Developing and evaluating...
SUPEER – Sustainable integration through Peer-to-Peer support
Objectives To facilitate and pave social integration between local young people and young people with a migrant background in a sustainable way based on a new concept of intercultural peer integration;To promote and enhance a sustainable process of transition and...