National and European partnerships and capacity building to contribute to the fight against trafficking of children for sexual exploitation.
Victims of violence
JERICHO – Speak out to break down the wall that makes underage prostitution invisible
Raising awareness on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children for prostitution through social media campaigns in order to prevent child abuse.
STOP – Sensitize and Train Organizations to fight against the Prostitution of minors
Training and raising awareness of professionals and social educators to fight and protect children from their exploitation in prostitution.
WINGS – Supporting Women survivors of trafficking through a Comprehensive Integration Programme
Promoting a multi-layered action addressing third-country-national women survivors of trafficking and developing the WINGS generic framework on survivor-centred social and economic inclusion.
Objectives To support women survivors of domestic and sexual violence in identifying toxic relational dynamics and how to seek professional support. To empower women survivors of domestic and sexual violence by rebuilding self-esteem and creating a personal life plan....
ID PRO Protocols for Inclusion and Diversity
Objectives To establish specific and standard protocols for the prevention, action, mediation and/or reconciliation of violence and discrimination toward young people in international facilitate the work of educators, youth workers, educational leaders...
ACTIVE – Focus on children; Strengthening Policies in Sports and Leisure ACT
Objectives To improve data collection and knowledge around the prevention of violence against children and on child protection policies in the field of sports and leisure activities by identifying gaps and best practices;To increase knowledge and skills of...
STOP! – Sexual child abuse prevention: New methods, topics and approaches in European context
Objectives To foster prevention on sexual abuse of children and teenagers through the development of an e-learning educational platform for non-professionals as well as trainers who deal with children; To enable young people to express their point of view and raise...
BASE Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence
Promoting inclusive communication and trust between professionals who offer support services, cultural consultants and migrant and refugee women and girls survivors of gender-based violence.
TOLERANT – TransnatiOnaL network for Employment integRAtion of womeN vicTims of trafficking
Objectives To enhance transnational cooperation and exchange on integrating women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation (VoT) in the labour market.To foster access of women VoT to gender-specific services with a particular focus on employment...
Objectives To increase the level of labour market inclusiveness of the migrant population in the city of Palermo, by innovating the services for employability and encouraging dynamic synergies between workforce demand and supply that goes beyond stereotypes while...
RETHINK: (Re)Think Before Act – Alternative Narratives to Violent Extremism
Objectives To prevent vulnerable audiences from starting a social process of radicalisation, by offering them resilience mechanisms and critical thinking skills framed in a human rights framework.To support the deradicalization of radicalised individuals by providing...
SupportVoc – Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime
Objectives To contribute to promotion and protection of the rights of Victims of Crime (VoC) in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and CyprusTo contribute to effective application of EU law on VoC rights, esp. Directive 2012/29/EUTo develop a model and Standard Operating...
CONVEY – Counteracting sexual violence and harassment: Engaging Youth in schools in digital education on gender stereotyping
Objectives To develop peer-to-peer approaches to education and awareness-raising on sexual violence and harassment against women by training young people on the effects of gender stereotyping and sexualisation in digital mediaTo educate and contribute to behavioural...
JudEx+: Towards a child friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children
Objectives To promote Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child [UNCRC] and the CoE Convention on the Protection of children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, in relation to the right of the child to be heard and involved...