Promoting the inclusion of sustainable development in secondary schools’ curricula and training the students (aged 12-16) and the teachers from lower & upper secondary schools on sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

Promoting the inclusion of sustainable development in secondary schools’ curricula and training the students (aged 12-16) and the teachers from lower & upper secondary schools on sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
DIGINEXT project focus its attention on European Local Action Groups (LAGs) establishing them as the conjunction of ring transferring innovative digital skills from Adult Education sector to low-skilled adults and seniors in rural areas.
National and European partnerships and capacity building to contribute to the fight against trafficking of children for sexual exploitation.
Training and raising awareness of professionals and social educators to fight and protect children from their exploitation in prostitution.
Enable young people to understand, practice and influence participatory budgets across European cities, develop the capacity of educators and local authorities to implement participatory budgeting and increase civic participation among youth.
Tackling Under-Reporting and Under-Recording of episodes of intolerance against Muslim women by developing a participatory dialogue between representatives of LEAs, local authorities, CSOs organizations and community leaders.
Objectives Enhanced socio-economic integration of migrant women and increased interaction between them and the host society. A newly developed model for integration strategies adaptable to the specificities of different local contexts. Sustainable collaborations and...
Objectives To promote the entry of unaccompanied minors into their new country’s work force in a manner which is mutually beneficial to them and their host communities; To train professionals engaged in the support of unaccompanied minors in the 5 participating Member...
Strengthening of regional adaptability and resilience by providing training of the public administration employees and other stakeholders in the area of regional development.
Objectives To build resilient practices and cultures within Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to address the psychosocial support needs of staff and volunteers involved in immigrant reception and inclusion processes;To encourage peer-learning approaches that will...
Objectives To foster inclusion and strengthen active citizenship through increased participation in co-creative processes for sustainable development at the local level.To raise awareness about the concept of sustainability, contributing to the implementation of the...
Objectives To promote intercultural understanding among different groups (locals, migrant communities, Muslim communities).To build the capacity of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), migrant associations (MAs) and Muslim communities to work together to promote...
To create and establish a new and currently absent, yet much needed, international online networking platform connecting European Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and primary and secondary schools that work with disadvantaged migrant and refugee children and aim at providing quality and inclusive education for all.
Objectives Start a process of cooperation among relevant stakeholders that will lead to the implementation of automatic recognition Europe-wide for learning mobilities of pupils in general secondary education; Make available tools for policy makers, education...
Objectives Reflecting on English teachers’ practice and providing a better understanding of oral skills assessment models for students of English as a foreign languageImproving oral English skills of students in upper secondary schools by creating a feasible...