AmuNEET – Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily

AmuNEET – Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily

Supporting vulnerable NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) from Sicily by facilitating their transition to employment through work-related learning experience in another EU country to integrate them into the society and to the labour market.

InnovAgroWoMed – Social Innovation in the Agri-food sector for Women’s Empowerment in the Mediterranean Sea basin

InnovAgroWoMed – Social Innovation in the Agri-food sector for Women’s Empowerment in the Mediterranean Sea basin

Women pioneering innovation and sustainable development Objective To boost women employability and entrepreneurship in the Agri-food sector, an industry closely linked to the cultural identity of the Mediterranean region and showing a significant level of untapped...

Work4Psy – An innovative model for career counselling services to Mental Health NEETs

Work4Psy – An innovative model for career counselling services to Mental Health NEETs

Objectives To facilitate the work integration of young NEETs (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training) with mental health issues;To develop the skills of mental health professionals, career counsellors and informal carers;To develop a specialised methodology...

IC4LOP – International Citizens for Local Perspectives

IC4LOP – International Citizens for Local Perspectives

Objectives To promote civic participation and to combat social exclusion by linking young migrants with young Europeans who have volunteered in the global southTo build in young participants common social, civic and intercultural competencies and skillsTo reinforce...