To increase the employability and skills of young NEET from Madrid, through a work period in Palermo.

To increase the employability and skills of young NEET from Madrid, through a work period in Palermo.
Supporting vulnerable NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) from Sicily by facilitating their transition to employment through work-related learning experience in another EU country to integrate them into the society and to the labour market.
Upskilling Pathways for low-skilled adults to increase the employability, the inclusion and contribute to systemic change in regional/national/European approaches and strategies through participation and civic and democratic engagement.
Empowering of young people as changemakers in the democratic processes of their communities.
Objectives To create a clear and direct upskilling pathway for vulnerable and low-skilled adult learners, to improve their accessibility to uncommon, yet very important skills;To support the increase in the take-up of adult education through increasing the ability of...
Increasing the entrepreneurial spirit of young people by providing a common alternative for their entry into the world of work.
Fostering youth civic participation after the COVID19 pandemic by creating opportunities for networking, mobilities, capacity building and tailored project design training.
Objectives Using informal learning and the creative arts as a vehicle to engage/re-engage disadvantage young people in education, training and employment; Supporting young people in their journey from social exclusion to social inclusion; Contributing to the CPD...
Implementation of a job placement model for young NEETs, involving the cooperation of the third sector, public administration and private enterprises.
To provide better access to the job market and education system for migrants, refugees and NEETS and those who are disadvantaged in the labour market because they have either poor language skills or they are unable to match their current skills with jobs available in their location.
Women pioneering innovation and sustainable development Objective To boost women employability and entrepreneurship in the Agri-food sector, an industry closely linked to the cultural identity of the Mediterranean region and showing a significant level of untapped...
Objectives To extend and develop competencies of educators of adults in the area of entrepreneurial skills;To provide adult educators with guidance and motivation strategies and equipping them with innovative solutions;To allow adult educators to assess the skills of...
Objectives To facilitate the work integration of young NEETs (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training) with mental health issues;To develop the skills of mental health professionals, career counsellors and informal carers;To develop a specialised methodology...
Objectives To promote civic participation and to combat social exclusion by linking young migrants with young Europeans who have volunteered in the global southTo build in young participants common social, civic and intercultural competencies and skillsTo reinforce...
Objectives To develop technical competences in experimental videomaking through peer learning among youth.To promote innovative schemes to prevent violence among youth using experimental videos.To exchange good practices in the fields of non-formal education, media...