Objectives Strengthening, experimenting and evaluating innovative paths of autonomy in the transition to the age of majority through a path of social inclusion, training, orientation and job placement for unaccompanied migrant minors welcomed.Defining and promoting of...
CHIMES – Competences, Citizenship and Inclusion through Music and Movement Education Solutions
Objectives Using informal learning and the creative arts as a vehicle to engage/re-engage disadvantage young people in education, training and employment; Supporting young people in their journey from social exclusion to social inclusion; Contributing to the CPD...
FEINAMC – Disseminating and scaling up good practices to Foster Educational Inclusion of Newly Arrived Migrant Children
Objectives To disseminate and scale up good practices to foster the inclusion of newly arrived migrant children in the formal educational system in Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Spain and in the European Union; To allow schools to assess knowledge and validating...
PASSAGE – Pedagogies of Passing from Reception to Education
Objectives To create a support system to ensure that newly-arrived children of third-country national background get a smooth transition to quality education; To provide teachers in EU countries’ education systems with tools and resources to enable and empower them to...
COTW – Citizen of the World
Objectives Strengthening professionals who are working with migrants by providing more tailored educational materials based on the real needs of both, professionals and migrants;Empowering migrants to become key actors of their lives as well as autonomous and active...
VOLUME – Volunteers for Unaccompanied Minors get Educated
Objectives To provide volunteers with key competences needed to care about unaccompanied minors;To provide appropriate training materials for educators who implement training courses for volunteers and for professionals seeking for non-formal trainings;To provide a...
DIGIMI – DIGItal storytelling for Migrant Integration
Participation of local community in order to share digitally narrated stories of mutual understanding, knowledge and social cohesion and to facilitate the social inclusion of migrants through their own eyes.
Digital Practices for Inclusive Programs
Objectives To promote the needs and advantages of digital pedagogies in integration and educational programs; To develop an innovative high-quality and inclusive program based on existing digital tools that focuses on individuals' specific needs; To enhance...
RADIX – Putting Down the Vocational Roots
To provide better access to the job market and education system for migrants, refugees and NEETS and those who are disadvantaged in the labour market because they have either poor language skills or they are unable to match their current skills with jobs available in their location.
INCLUSIVE EUROPE – Build Bonds Not Walls
Objectives Building a social network, composed also by representatives of the local communities;Introducing migrants to the new socio-economic context through propaedeutic activities to the entry into the labour market;Building empathy and trust between newcomers and...
GreenInterculturality – Promoting migrant inclusion through environmental awareness and eco-friendly strategies
Promoting migrant inclusion through environmental awareness and the development of eco-friendly educational materials for adult trainers.
e-VELP: Youth Volunteer Educators e-leaning Program
Objectives To contribute to young migrants’ and refugees’ integration into European societies by promoting positive images of their cultures and identities;To help young migrants/refugees in becoming aware of their skills and knowledge, and in defining their fields of...
WFBW – Sustaining Civic Responses to Migration
Objectives To build resilient practices and cultures within Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to address the psychosocial support needs of staff and volunteers involved in immigrant reception and inclusion processes;To encourage peer-learning approaches that will...
CRETHINK – Co-creative RETHINKing for sustainable cities
Objectives To foster inclusion and strengthen active citizenship through increased participation in co-creative processes for sustainable development at the local level.To raise awareness about the concept of sustainability, contributing to the implementation of the...
LIAISON – Mutual Learning for Intercultural Appreciation and Strengthened Organisational Networks
Objectives To promote intercultural understanding among different groups (locals, migrant communities, Muslim communities).To build the capacity of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), migrant associations (MAs) and Muslim communities to work together to promote...