Developing a new job profile in tourism sector, aimed to upskill managers, professionals, practitioners and students of the tourism sector, i.e.: “Sustainable Hybrid Project Manager”.
THRIVE@WORK – Training programme for well-being at work for HR managers that want their organisations to thrive
Objectives Empowering and encouraging HR Professionals, VET trainers, CEOs and Company owners to invest in and implement well-being programs for employees, as well as to regard stress prevention and wellbeing at work as priorities; Enhancing employees’ physical and...
ITFARM – IT for interconnection of social, economic and environmental aspects in agribusiness
Supporting farmers in adopting Agriculture 4.0 technologies to improve their yield and minimise their environmental impact.
YURI – Intercultural urban-rural youth dialogues for collective entrepreneurship
Provide young people with the entrepreneurial competences and skills necessary to promote social, green and collective action. Context In all partner countries there is a significant number of NEETs and high youth unemployment, with increased rates of both in rural...
MIGRACTION – Migrants inclusion through entrepreneurship supported by business sector
Supporting the entrepreneurship of people with migrant background in collaboration with the social and business sectors.
GEA – Green Entrepreneurs in Action
Supporting the sustainable development of local communities through empowerment paths for young Roma and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Stars4SD – Supporting youth entrepreneurs in meeting Sustainable Development Goals through a peer certification system
Support young entrepreneurs to adopt sustainable approaches to entrepreneurship by providing them the necessary skills and competences to integrate the SDGs in their business.
DIBS – Digital Inclusive Business School
Objectives The main aim of the DIBS project is to foster migrant learners’ business competences thus effectively fostering their social-economic and cultural inclusion. Activities Desk Research and field research on migrant learners’ needs regarding entrepreneurial...
DIGITAG – Digital Skills in Farming for Future Agriculture
Objectives To develop a model of digital skills vocational training course for persons working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas, so they can learn to assess and implement the best practices and technologies for their work; To design and deploy an...
DigiKommune – Female artists & creatives online
Skills development through tailored learning and knowledge exchange to enable creative businesses to take their work online.
CTF – Creative Talent Factory
Objectives to provide digital learning opportunities for adults empowering them towards access to upskilling pathways for creative entrepreneurship; to assess and monitor learners’ achievements in order to ensure the transparency and recognition of their creative...
Talenti in comune
Objectives To support young people in consciously designing their professional future by helping them understand today’s job market and adopt a proactive attitude when looking for a jobTo offer on-the-job training opportunities to expand one’s professional skills and...
Objectives To highlight the needs and problems faced by professionals: the “Ambassadors”, and provide appropriate training for all operators in the tourism sector;To help professionals in tourism, in order to offer new eco-friendly services to their customers...
IDEA – Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting Entrepreneurship among NEETs
Objectives To extend and develop competencies of educators of adults in the area of entrepreneurial skills;To provide adult educators with guidance and motivation strategies and equipping them with innovative solutions;To allow adult educators to assess the skills of...
SAAMA – Strategie di Accompagnamento all’Autonomia per Minori Accolti
Objectives To create an effective and sustainable model for unaccompanied minors in order to facilitate their pathway to autonomyTo valorise the employability of unaccompanied minors in the Palermo, Agrigento and Marsala districts proposing through the use of actions...