Promoting the inclusion of sustainable development in secondary schools’ curricula and training the students (aged 12-16) and the teachers from lower & upper secondary schools on sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

Promoting the inclusion of sustainable development in secondary schools’ curricula and training the students (aged 12-16) and the teachers from lower & upper secondary schools on sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Supporting the Development of Media Literacy in Education involving several target groups studying and working in different formal learning contexts.
Develop and implement an evidence based, authentic learning pedagogical framework in teaching informatics, in upper primary and lower secondary education through a contemporary gender-inclusive approach.
Developing high quality early childhood education and care systems by providing sustainability and interculturality trainings to professionals in the sector and fostering the inclusion of migrant and ethnic minority children and families.
Empowering teachers to foster inclusive and democratic classroom environments and to promote shared collaboration, increasing students’ and community well-being.
A project that aims to learn more about how to promote digital literacy and tackle misinformation in European classrooms!
Promoting STEAM education through storytelling to boost girls’ interest in STEAM topics and potentially STEAM careers in the future.
In a collaborative effort among European schools, we will investigate how European teachers can approach and develop teaching in the 4 emerging subject areas: technology enhancement, sustainable learning, entrepreneurship, and playful learning.
Empowering teenagers with the 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink) philosophy of life through fashion, with the double focus of environmental and social impact.
Fostering systematic every-day use of different internal support forms and peer-based professional development activities to make them part of schools’ culture.
Enhancing the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) of boys aged 10-14 years old through the use of gamified mobile learning environments in formal education settings.
Reinventing mainstream classrooms introducing intercultural education and new technologies to promote social inclusion for migrants in primary education.
To create and make available to teachers and educators accessible, easily-implemented STEM educational resources to raise students’ interest over STEM and improve their science literacy.
Promoting the social and emotional development of Migrant, Refugee and Displaced Children (MRDC) through culturally sensitive, school-based interventions designed to deal with the negative effects of psychosocial trauma.
Supporting and enhancing teachers’ and school leaders’ competencies in promoting environmental awareness to secondary school students through the use of experiential learning methodologies.