Higher Education and Research

HEI4Diversity – Building Capacities to Prevent and Respond to any Form of Violence against the LGBTQI+ community in Higher Education Institutions in Europe

HEI4Diversity – Building Capacities to Prevent and Respond to any Form of Violence against the LGBTQI+ community in Higher Education Institutions in Europe

Objectives To increase the knowledge regarding existing mechanisms for the prevention of forms of violence, harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in EU Higher Education Institutions.To create a transnational...

CIM – Promoting Creativity and Innovation Management in an innovative blended learning and validation programme at the interface between higher education (HE) and business

CIM – Promoting Creativity and Innovation Management in an innovative blended learning and validation programme at the interface between higher education (HE) and business

Objectives Develop innovative teaching and learning approaches to include Creativity and Innovation Management (CIM) in HE and in practiceEquip students from different faculties with CIM competences through non-formal and informal learning based on internships in...

LMPI – Bachelor’s and Professional Master’s Degree for development, administration, management, protection of computer systems and networks in enterprises in Moldova, Kazakhstan, Vietnam

LMPI – Bachelor’s and Professional Master’s Degree for development, administration, management, protection of computer systems and networks in enterprises in Moldova, Kazakhstan, Vietnam

Objectives To bridge skills gaps in the design and maintenance of corporate computer systems security, improving the employability of students and specializing employees’ skillsTo professionalize the universities’ curricula in the development, administration,...

SCIENT – A European University-Business Alliance aiming to foster young SCIEntists’ ENTrepreneurial spirit

SCIENT – A European University-Business Alliance aiming to foster young SCIEntists’ ENTrepreneurial spirit

Objectives To foster entrepreneurial spirit among PhD STEM students/graduates (academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math), as these people have untapped business potentialTo enhance scientific entrepreneurship levels within EU Universities,...

ENCHASE – Enhancing Albanian System of Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Application of the Process and Outcome-based Methodology

ENCHASE – Enhancing Albanian System of Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Application of the Process and Outcome-based Methodology

Objectives To develop a national framework for quality assuranceTo build on the capacity of relevant actors in HEIs, PAAHE and MoES to manage a process- and outcome-based approach to quality assurance and self-assessment processesTo enhance the external and internal...