Objectives To prevent, encourage reporting and combat gender-based violence (GBV) against children fostering a systematic approach in cultivating life skills, building healthy relationships, adopting and maintaining values, and increasing resilience and personal...
Prevention initiatives
ABC – Anti-Bullying Certification
Objectives To create more safety in secondary schools on the level of students, including socially marginalized groupsTo support teaching staff in developing competences to deal with conflict, bullying, social exclusion and discrimination, with special attention to...
SupportVoc – Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime
Objectives To contribute to promotion and protection of the rights of Victims of Crime (VoC) in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and CyprusTo contribute to effective application of EU law on VoC rights, esp. Directive 2012/29/EUTo develop a model and Standard Operating...
A.T.H.E.N.A. – Addressing Training to SPOC as Hub of a European Network of law enforcement Agencies
A.T.H.E.N.A. – Addressing Training to SPOC as Hub of a European Network of law enforcement Agencies
[su_tabs active=”1″ vertical=”yes”]What does it support [su_tab title=”Obiettivi”]
- Offrire una formazione completa sui diversi canali di comunicazione di polizia dell’UE e dei meccanismi comunitari di scambio di informazioni e strumenti
- Scambiare buone pratiche circa il funzionamento dei singoli punti di contatto operativo (SPOC), e/o stabilire un formato dei contatti regolari dei capi e del personale SPOC, concentrandosi sulle esigenze e le attività di formazione
- Identificare i requisiti del flusso di lavoro comuni per gli SPOC negli Stati membri e sviluppare di linee guida come base della formazione per personale SPOC
[su_tab title=”Attività”]
- Sviluppo di un efficace coordinamento della formazione sullo scambio di informazioni di polizia per il personale SPOC e rilevanti stakeholders
- Attuazione di campagne di sensibilizzazione sulle attività SPOC
- Promozione di una cultura comune dell’ applicazione della legge e la creazione di una rete proattiva consolidata dei capi e del personale SPOC
- Creazione di un archivio di buone pratiche in materia di formazione sullo scambio di informazioni UE sull’applicazione della legge, tenendo conto dei rispettivi curricula e dei risultati delle iniziative correlate esistenti
- Creazione di una Rete europea di capi e personale SPOC
[su_tab title=”Risultati”]
- Manuale nazionale di qualità per la cooperazione internazionale di polizia
- Piattaforma di formazione SPOC (di moduli di apprendimento, webinars, sostegno educatori)
- SPOC Roadshow, seminari locali per la raccolta d’interesse per le attività SPOC a favore degli ufficiali di campo
- Visite di studio tra paesi associati UE e l’UE, workshop sui risultati delle visite di studio, incontri per la discussione riguardante gli strumenti di formazione SPOC proposti, strategia di formazione – moduli inclusi
[su_tab title=”Partners”]
- Coordinatore: Ministero dell’Interno – Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale – Servizio per la Cooperazione Internazionale di Polizia (Scip) (Italia)
- State Police Latvia (Lettonia)
- General Inspectorate of Romanian Police (Romania)
- The Malta Police Force (Malta)
- Ministry of Interior – International Operational Cooperation (Bulgaria)
- Ministry of Interior – Deputy State Secretariat for EU and International Relations (Ungheria)
- Belgian Federal Police (Belgio)
- Southeast European Law Enforcement Center – SELEC (Romania)
- CESIE (Italia)
[su_tab title=”Info & contatti”]
Segui il progetto IN AZIONE
Date di realizzazione progetto: 01/11/2016 30/04/2019
DG di riferimento: DG HOME, Fondo Sicurezza interna – Polizia, Formazione per l’applicazione della legge [HOME/2015/ISFP/AG/LETX]
Contatto: CESIE athena@cesie.org
JUST SPORT – Fight against doping on grassroots level
Objectives To raise awareness, among youths Recreationists in fitness centres and all beginners in grassroots level recreational sports, of a whole lot of negative consequences caused by using supplements with harmful additivesTo increase the awareness about dangers...
MENS – Mental European Network of Sport events
Objectives To develop a documented and evidence based approach of the use of sports in the treat of mental illnessTo establish a European Mental Health Sports NetworkTo increase public awareness on the necessity of a new specific approach on the conjunction of Sport...
EUROPE – Ensuring Unity and Respect as Outcomes for the People of Europe
Objectives To promote social inclusion, tolerance, non-discrimination and other factors that prevent violence in school through an innovative approach known as Quiet Time, which uses the Transcendental Meditation (TM) techniqueTo adapt and transfer the chosen good...
CONVEY – Counteracting sexual violence and harassment: Engaging Youth in schools in digital education on gender stereotyping
Objectives To develop peer-to-peer approaches to education and awareness-raising on sexual violence and harassment against women by training young people on the effects of gender stereotyping and sexualisation in digital mediaTo educate and contribute to behavioural...
JudEx+: Towards a child friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children
Objectives To promote Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child [UNCRC] and the CoE Convention on the Protection of children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, in relation to the right of the child to be heard and involved...
CoCoRa – Community Counteracting Radicalisation
Objectives To contribute to improving the prevention efforts against militant Islamic radicalisation and extremism among young MuslimTo strengthen young Muslims active citizenship and to build a sustainable bridge between local Muslim communities and prevention...
ARRC – ACTION FOR CHANGE: Achieving Resilience, Recovery and Choices for women and children following domestic violence
Objectives To develop and exchange best practice in establishing specialised services to enable women and children to recover and reduce the need for removal of childrenTo empower women victims of domestic violence (DV) in steering and delivering the project to ensure...
European implementation of CAPPYC – Cannabis Abuse Prevention Program for Young Consumers and evaluation of their results using a scale measuring attitudes towards drug use
Objectives To provide a new selective prevention approach (CAPPYC) contrasted in Spain to other European countries. Its main aim is to work positive attitudes towards cannabis use in young European consumers by increasing their critical capacity and by helping them to...
Io mi guardo da fuori – Looking at myself from outside
Objectives To foster in youth involved in the project, afferent to USMM (Minors’ social services Office), a reflection on the theme of intercultural living and active citizenship.To broaden the concept of individual responsibility to a collective social dimension,...
I.T.A.L.I.A. 2014 – Migliorare la disponibilità degli strumenti di formazione e apprendimento
Objectives To improve the efficiency standards of the procedures for the exchange of information between the so called “front desk SPOC” (Single Point of Contact for police cooperation) and S.I.ReN.E. bureau (branch of the Criminal Police Directorate in charge for...
VIGILA ET PROTEGE – To search and protect unaccompanied minors through the S.I.S. II ‘fight against invisibility’
VIGILA ET PROTEGE – To search and protect unaccompanied minors through the S.I.S. II ‘fight against invisibility’
[su_tabs active=”1″ vertical=”yes”]What does it support [su_tab title=”Objectives”]
- To fight against the phenomenon of “invisible minors”, which are unaccompanied minors who escape from custodial/educational centres without repatriation requests, by improving SIS (Schengen Information System)
- To identify international good practices to contrast with the phenomenon of missing minors
[su_tab title=”Activities”]
- 13 International study visits among police advisors from Schengen countries and staff of custodial centres
- 10 National workshops for police advisors to discuss about the phenomenon of missing unaccompanied minors
- International workshop to analyze the results of the study visits
- International workshop to share International good practices for fighting against the phenomenon of unaccompanied missing minors
- 2 International conferences to share the results of the workshops and to present the Italian approach to the phenomenon of missing minors
[su_tab title=”Results”]
- Handbook: To search and protect unaccompanied minors – fight against invisibility: common procedures to enhance unaccompanied missing minors searches through the use of SIS II; Good Practices and lists of recommendations to carry out appropriate measures to strengthen international cooperation on sensitive issues, such as protection and repatriation of missing unaccompanied minors [en|it]
- Realization of IT solutions to improve the unaccompanied missing minors alert system
[su_tab title=”Partners”]
- Coordinator: Central Criminal Police Directorate (Italy)
- International Police Cooperation DEPT Latvia (Latvia)
- International Relation Unit of Malta (Malta)
- International operational cooperation directorate of Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
- Secretary general of the international security system (Portugal)
- OSCE organization for security and cooperation in Europe (Austria)
[su_tab title=”Info & contacts”]
Follow the project IN ACTION
Date of project: 16/09/2013 – 15/09/2014
DG of reference: DG Home Affairs, Pilot Project on unaccompanied minors
CESIE: silvia.ciaperoni@cesie.org